Here you can find the learning materials for the workshop intRo: Data Analysis with R (learnB4SS).
For information about the workshop (dates and times, contents, etc), see the homepage.
Before the day of the workshop, you will need to prep your computer.
If you are experiencing issue with software installation, we kindly ask you to first refer to your institutional IT help desk. If your institution does not offer an IT help desk, then feel free to send an email to the workshop organiser.
The first step is to install the software requirements. If you haven’t yet done so, check out the installation instructions here.
Everybody is welcome to the workshop.
We are strongly committed to principles of equality, diversity and inclusion, and we are doing our best to provide you with a safe and inclusive learning environment.
In light of this objective, we kindly ask you to fill the pre-workshop form to let us know a little about yourself, your background and your needs.
The form and the questions in it are optional, but we strongly recommend all attendants to fill it in. The link to the form is included in the confirmation email when you register on Eventbrite, but it will be sent out again well before the first day of the workshop.
To install intRo, run the following lines of code in the console.
remotes::install_github("intro-rstats/[email protected]", build_vignettes = TRUE)