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URI Canonicalization Rules

Alex Osborne edited this page Jul 4, 2018 · 2 revisions

URI Canonicalization Rules

Heritrix keeps track of duplicate URIs so it does not crawl redundant content.  However, URIs can be composed in multiple ways even though the page pointed to by the URIs is identical.  For example, the page is the same page as http://WWW.ARCHIVE.ORG. To address this issue, Heritrix canonicalizes URIs before they are compared for de-duplication.  Canonicalization involves the application of a series of rules.  For example, one canonicalization rule transforms all URIs to lowercase.  Another rule strips the 'www' prefix from domains.

The canonicalizationPolicy bean allows you to specify canonicalization rules and the order in which they are run.

To log the canonicalization process, add the line:

org.archive.modules.canonicalize.RulesCanonicalizationPolicy.level = FINER

to conf/

Canonicalization rules are NOT run if the URI being checked is the result of a redirect.  This is done for the following reason.  Assume a canonicalization rule is in place that equates to  If the crawler encounters, but the server at re-directs it to, Heritrix will think has already been crawled.  This problem is avoided by ignoring canonicalization rules for re-directs.


Changing URI Canonicalization affects Wayback too

Please note that, if you decide to modify the URI Canonicalisation rules, this can also affect the playback experience. You should ensure the Wayback and Heritrix configurations are consistent, otherwise the Wayback engine may not be able to resolve the URLs in the web pages to the corresponding canonicalized resource.


URI Canonicalization Rule Use Case: Stripping Site Specific Session Ids

In this use case we assume a site is returning URIs with a session ID key of cid.  For example, .  Assume the session id is always 32 characters.  Also, assume, the cid always appears at the end of the URI.  This presents a problem because the same URI will be repeatedly captured due to the different session ids.

The solution is to add a second URI canonicalization policy derived from the default.  The new policy will include a regular expression rule that filters out the session id.  This rule is then attached to a sheet overlay.  A sheet overlay is a way to override properties of beans based on different sets of values.  The sheet overlay that is created will be configured so that it only applies to URIs with a specific domain.  The example below shows the Spring configuration used to achieve this effect.

This is already in the default cxml:

 <!-- SHEETOVERLAYMANAGER: manager of sheets of contextual overlays
      Autowired to include any SheetForSurtPrefix or
      SheetForDecideRuled beans -->
 <bean id="sheetOverlaysManager" autowire="byType"

This is commented out in the default cxml, and needs to be uncommented:

 <bean id="canonicalizationPolicy"
  <property name="rules">
    <bean class="org.archive.modules.canonicalize.LowercaseRule" />
    <bean class="org.archive.modules.canonicalize.StripUserinfoRule" />
    <bean class="org.archive.modules.canonicalize.StripWWWNRule" />
    <bean class="org.archive.modules.canonicalize.StripSessionIDs" />
    <bean class="org.archive.modules.canonicalize.StripSessionCFIDs" />
    <bean class="org.archive.modules.canonicalize.FixupQueryString" />

And something like this needs to be added:

 <bean id="altCanonicalizationPolicy"
  parent="canonicalizationPolicy" autowire-candidate="false">
  <property name="rules">
   <list merge="true">
    <bean class="org.archive.modules.canonicalize.RegexRule">
     <property name="regex" value="^(.+)(?:cid=0-9a-zA-Z{32})?$"/>

 <bean class='org.archive.crawler.spring.SurtPrefixesSheetAssociation'>
  <property name='surtPrefixes'>
  <property name='targetSheetNames'>
 <bean id='canonicalizationPolicySheet' class='org.archive.spring.Sheet'>
  <property name='map'>
    <entry key='preparer.canonicalizationPolicy'>
     <ref bean='altCanonicalizationPolicy'/>

To see the rule in operation, set the logging level for org.archive.crawler.url.Canonicalizer in  Study the output and adjust your regex accordingly.


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