Extension of Superagent to pay for HTTP-ILP
DEPRECATED: This module has been deprecated in favor of ILP Fetch
To use Superagent ILP, combine the superagent module with an plugin (as
returned from ilp-plugin
this example).
const superagent = require('superagent')
const plugin = require('ilp-plugin')()
const superagentIlp = require('superagent-ilp')(superagent, plugin)
async function run () {
await plugin.connect()
const res = await superagentIlp
.pay(2000) // pays _up to_ 2000 base units of your ledger, as configured for ilp-plugin
// -> { message: 'Hello World!' }
Below is an example of an application that can be paid for with superagent-ilp
It's written using koa-ilp
const Koa = require('koa')
const router = require('koa-router')()
const parser = require('koa-bodyparser')()
const app = new Koa()
const Ilp = require('koa-ilp')
const plugin = require('ilp-plugin')()
const ilp = new Ilp({ plugin })
router.post('/', ilp.paid({ price: 1000 }), async ctx => {
ctx.body = { message: 'Hello World!' }