This repository contains all the scripts used to produce the main figures of the paper:
Telomere-to-telomere gapless chromosomes of banana using nanopore sequencing Caroline Belser, Franc-Christophe Baurens, Benjamin Noel, Guillaume Martin, Corinne Cruaud, Benjamin Istace, Nabila Yahiaoui, K arine Labadie, Eva Hribova, Jaroslav Dolezel, Arnaud Lemainque, Patrick Wincker, Angelique D'Hont, Jean-Marc Aury bioRxiv 2021.0416.440017; doi:
Each folder contains the data, the scripts and a Readme in order to generate the figures.
The genome assembly is freely available at and The O NT, Illumina and Bionano Genomics data are available in the European Nucleotide Archive under the following projects PRJEB35002 .