Created for load tests that use (generated) clients in Go to communicate to services (in any supported language). By providing the Attack interface, any client and protocol could potentially be tested with this package.
Compared to existing HTTP load testing tools (e.g. tsenart/vegeta) that can send raw HTTP requests, this package requires the use of client code to send the requests and receive the response.
This tool is heavily based on, with added functionality:
- multiple generators in one runtime
- generate grafana dashboard for all attackers
- load and store data for attackers
- performance degradation checks
- dump transport for debug
- automatic generation of load profile from logs
Install lib
go get
Install cli
go install ~/go/pkg/mod/\@${version}/cmd/loadcli.go
Bootstrap grafana + grafite
docker run -d -p 8181:80 -p 8125:8125/udp -p 8126:8126 --publish=2003:2003 --name kamon-grafana-dashboard kamon/grafana_graphite
Create default generator config in your home dir ~/generator.yaml
host: // host data for monitoring
name: local_generator // used as graphite metrics prefix
network_iface: en0
target: // default target of attack
responseTimeoutSec: 20
rampUpStrategy: linear // linear | exp2
verbose: true
execution_mode: parallel // generator execution mode, run attacker in modes parallel | sequence
grafana: // grafana configuration
login: "admin"
password: "admin"
flushDurationSec: 1
loadGeneratorPrefix: observer // prefix for graphite metrics
handle_threshold_percent: 1.20
root_package_name: loadgen // your root package name
load_scripts_dir: load // where all attackers and suite configs will be stored
timezone: Europe/Moscow
Create new test
loadcli new first_test
Open load/first_test_attack.go, implement Setup and Do methods
// Attack must be implemented by a service client.
type Attack interface {
// Setup should establish the connection to the service
// It may want to access the Config of the Runner.
Setup(c RunnerConfig) error
// Do performs one request and is executed in a separate goroutine.
// The context is used to cancel the request on timeout.
Do(ctx context.Context) DoResult
// Teardown can be used to close the connection to the service
Teardown() error
// Clone should return a fresh new Attack
// Make sure the new Attack has values for shared struct fields initialized at Setup.
Clone(r *Runner) Attack
// StoreData should return if this scenario will save data, that gonna be needed for another scenario or verification
StoreData() bool
If you require to put or get data for test, also implement
// PutData writes object representation to handle file
PutData(mo interface{}) error
// GetData reads object from handle file
GetData() (interface{}, error)
Also default run config was created in run_configs/first_test.yaml
dumptransport: true
http_timeout: 20
- name: first_test
rps: 1
attack_time_sec: 30
ramp_up_sec: 1
ramp_up_strategy: exp2
max_attackers: 1
verbose: true
do_timeout_sec: 40
store_data: false
recycle_data: true
execution_mode: sequence
Now it's time to generate and upload grafana dashboard for your test
loadcli dashboard
And run test, build options are linux|darwin for now
loadcli build darwin
./load_suite -config load/run_configs/first_test.yaml
If you have remote vm for running tests, upload it (you must have ssh keys copied to remote)
loadcli upload [email protected]:/home/myuser/loadtest
If handle threshold percent is reached (default is 20% of p50 for any handle), or there is errors in any handle, pipeline will fail.
handle_threshold_percent: 1.2
All reports for handle is stored in reports dir
For sequence_validate
mode use scaling report
loadcli scaling_report scaling.csv report.png
Bootstrap local kamon for debugging metrics, export dashboard from dir
docker run -d -p 8181:80 -p 8125:8125/udp -p 8126:8126 --publish=2003:2003 --name kamon-grafana-dashboard kamon/grafana_graphite
Turn on dumptransport in run config:
dumptransport: true