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Jepsen-like tests for Insolar.

Requirements: docker, kubectl, jq, python3.

If you are using Docker Desktop, please note, that by default it uses rather strict resource limits. You might want to change these limits in Preferences... -> Advanced tab.

Usage: common part

# Make sure private key is readable only by current user
chmod 600 ./base-image/id_rsa

# to build the base image:
cd base-image && docker build --no-cache -t tsovak/insolar-jepsen-base . && cd ..

# to build the image of Insolar Platform from the given branch:
./ branch-name

Usage: how to run Jepsen-tests

# use --help flag to see all arguments
./ -i insolar-jepsen:latest

Usage: how to run go-autotests

The projects mentioned in this sections are closed-source for now, sorry.

--other-path should contain the following repos:

  • observer

if you want public observer version, add --public-observer flag

./ --debug -i insolar-jepsen:latest --others-path .. --skip-all-tests --public-observer
# skipped: steps from "Usage" section above
./ --debug -i insolar-jepsen:latest --others-path .. --skip-all-tests

# test the API endpoint:
curl -vvv -XPOST http://localhost:31009/api/rpc

# collect keys and configs required for go-autotests:

# run go-autotests
IS_LOCAL_RUN=0 IS_JEPSEN_RUN=1 go test --count=1 -tags 'platform observer_api' ./...
# instead of using environment variables you can edit apitests/entrypoint.yaml:
# is_local_run: false, is_jepsen_run: true

After the test:

# To login to `jepsen-1` pod:
ssh -o 'StrictHostKeyChecking no' -i ./base-image/id_rsa -p 32001 gopher@localhost

# To attach a process running in background:
tmux ls
tmux attach -t insolard

# To copy a file from `jepsen-1` pod:
scp -o 'StrictHostKeyChecking no' -i ./base-image/id_rsa -P 32001 gopher@localhost:.bash_profile ./

# Get logs from all pods (its't not final log if insolard and pulsar is running on pods):
./ /tmp/jepsen-agg/

# Unpack current logs (change count if need more records)
gzip -cd /tmp/jepsen-agg/320*/*.log.gz | dd count=1000 > out.txt

# Stop insolard in pods and pulsard

# Unpack all logs (only after all insolard and pulsar were stoped)
gunzip /tmp/jepsen-agg/320*/*.log.gz

# Example of how to sort and properly format logs for a given trace id:
grep -r 32bc366d-b144-4765-9483-6be37c55fd9d ./320* > trace.txt
cat trace.txt | ./ | grep -v '"caller":"insolar/bus/bus' | grep -v '"caller":"network/' | sort > trace-sorted.txt

# Delete pods
kubectl delete -f jepsen-pods.yaml

Re-deploy observer only

if you want public observer version, add --public-observer flag

# Re-deploy observer, keeping the database
./ --debug -i insolar-jepsen:latest --others-path .. --skip-all-tests --redeploy-observer --keep-database true

# Re-deploy observer, purging the database
./ --debug -i insolar-jepsen:latest --others-path .. --skip-all-tests --redeploy-observer --keep-database false