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@NSeydoux NSeydoux released this 08 Jul 09:45

Note: Both the major and minor versions being zero, this is still an alpha release. Breaking change may happen on any version bump.

New Features

  • InruptClientError: Superclass for all Inrupt client libraries runtime errors.
  • ClientHttpError, hasProblemDetails, hasErrorResponse: Class for runtime error
    thrown upon reception of an HTTP error response, i.e. 4xx and 5xx ranges. The two
    associated type guards are available to test for the presence of the specific properties
    exposed by the class.
  • BadRequestError, ConflictError, ForbiddenError, GoneError, InternalServerError,
    MethodNotAllowedError, NotAcceptableError, NotFoundError, PreconditionFailedError,
    TooManyRequestsError, UnauthorizedError, UnsupportedMediaTypeError: Specializations
    of the ClientHttpError to represent common HTTP error responses.
  • handleErrorResponse: a function to map the received HTTP error to the appropriate error