Installs almost everything I need in my local environment. It's unlikely that you want your setup exactly as mine; feel free to fork it or change the variables described below.
- Homebrew
- Ansible 2.7+
- Xcode or Xcode command line tools
- Run
sudo installer -pkg /Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/Packages/macOS_SDK_headers_for_macOS_10.14.pkg -target /
if you're using Mojave or higher (10.14+) - If installing apps from the Mac App Store, you need to log into the store manually before running the role (This is not needed if you used an AppleID while doing the first setup)
If you just want to know what you need to install, change and run to get things started, this is what you're looking for.
This means you want your Mac setup EXACTLY as mine (- my keys). You're weird, but as you wish:
# Unless you have a brand new installation, or never touched the terminal before
# this is likely to fail, but is safe to run if you're unsure.
/usr/bin/ruby -e "$(curl -fsSL"
# While installing Homebrew, xcode will be installed. The following line should not be needed.
xcode-select --install
# This is the good stuff
brew update
brew install ansible
git clone
cd dotfiles
Before running anything, make sure you have installed all requirements. Follow the instructions from homebrew's home page and run:
brew update
brew install ansible
xcode-select --install # This might fail if already installed
git clone
From now on, assume everything is run inside the root of the repository.
You should take a look at the default variables and change the values for
the tools, files or settings you want in your environment. You can find a full reference of
the variables used in this role in the Role variables
You can do that by adding those values to the vars file in the example playbook.
Finally, you can place your custom files (if any) anywhere inside the role, as long as the relative path matches with the one defined in the correct variable. More about this in the variables section. I put mine in the playbook directory in case that's useful for you.
It is also recommended to change the gitconfig details since it is set to use my information and you may prefer use your own.
There's a convenient Makefile which defines all possible tasks that can be run using this role. You can directly use the ansible command you want, all it does is to run persist all available ansible tags
If this wasn't run on a fresh install, is possible that some tasks don't finish successfully. Don't forget to restart after an initial installation (or log out and into your session).
The examples assume you have added your files and setup a custom vars file. If you're an advanced Ansible user, you should check out the playbook directory and go from there.
# Examples
# make and make install run everthing
# Install fish stuff
make fish
# Update or install your dotfiles
make dotfiles
# check the rest of the Makfile rules, it should be clearer after reading the docs.
cat Makefile
To make things easier to understand, variables will be explained within the context of the task using them.
Installs all packages and cask applications required for the environment.
: List of taps to install applications that need a different source.basic_tools
: List of packages that can be installed withbrew install
: List of OS X applications that can be installed usingbrew cask install
: List of programming environments to be installed usingbrew install
: List of packages to be installed withbrew install
required by vim to work correctly.
Installs apps from the Mac App Store. You need to login to the store manually if using macOS 10.13_+.
: Hash list with the ids of the macOS apps to install. The name key is optional and only used as reference to the user.
Updates OS X configuration defaults to match your preferences. Things like how to right click, region, language and so on.
: List of key-value pairs with the parameters used by the osx_defaults ansible module.osx_dict_defaults
: List of dictionary like values that ignore idempotency until supported.
Changes the default login shell to fish instead of bash.
: List of plugins to be installed to the fish completions
: A file with a series of commands to add autocompletion the configured commands.fish_configs
: Contains a list of paths where fish's local configuration files exists.
The one true editor.
: Python 3 version used by neovim's python host program.neovim_python3_virtualenv
: Name of the Python 3 virtual env to be crated with neovim's host program.neovim__python2_version
: Python 2 version used by neovim's python host program.neovim_python2_virtualenv
: Name of the Python 2 virtual env to be crated with neovim's host program.neovim__ruby_version
: Ruby version used by neovim's ruby host program.neovim_ruby_gemset
: Name of the gemset where neovim's gems are going to be installed.neovim_plugins
: List of key-value pairs with thename
of the plugin and therepo
's url.'neovim_colorschemes
: List of repos containing neovim's color schemes.
Copy your ssh keys and configuration to your local machine.
: List of relative paths to your ssh private and public keys.ssh_config
: Relative path to the file with your ssh configuration.
Imports your GPG keys to your local machine.
: Relative path to the file with your gpg public key.gpg_private_key
: Relative path to the file with your gpg private key.
The following list of variables store relative paths to the relevant dorfiles.