This project is a module for the OSPRay ray tracer ( that implements the Particle K-D Tree Technique as described in the paper I. Wald, A. Knoll, G. P. Johnson, W. Usher, V. Pascucci, M. E. Papka. “CPU Ray Tracing Large Particle Data using Particle K-D Trees,” IEEE Visweek, 2015.
This code was mostly authored by Ingo Wald and Aaron Knoll (with help by several others); this code is experimental, and is hereby release without any warranty (implied or expressed) as to correctness, performance, etcpp.
To build the PKD module, you first have to have a version of OSPRay in source. Let us assume that you have already checked that out (into ~/Projects/ospray), that you already have created a cmake build directory (say, in ~/Projects/ospray/build), and that you have already properly configured and built ospray.
Now, first go to ospray's module subdirectory, and check out the pkd module into this directory:
cd ~/Projects/ospray/modules
git clone <this module>
Now, go into your ospray build directory, do a 'ccmake', enable the pkd module, and rebuild
cd ~/Projects/ospray/build
ccmake .
# enable PKD module in cmake dialog, then 'c'onfigure and 'g'enerate
You should now have a properly built, as well as a ospPartiKD binary.
To build the PKD module for LiDAR data you'll need LAStools to read
LAS and LAZ files, then can enable OPTION_MODULE_PARTIKD_LIDAR
in CMake. If LAStools is installed in some
non-standard location you can pass -DLASTOOLS=<path to LAStools root>
. Warning: This will break support
for any non-LiDAR data due to how the attributes are handled.
Once built, using the PKD module consists of two steps:
converting a particle model to pkd format
rendering the resulting pkd file with ospray's sample qt viewer
To convert a particle model to our internal format (which includes building the tree), you use the ospPartiKD tool. PartiKD supports several file format (TODO: more doc needed here!), and is run as follows:
./PartiKD <inputFile> --radius <particleRadius> -o outFileName.pkd
Example: To convert the cosmic web particle data set I use
./PartiKD ~/cosmic_web/6k-cubed/0.000/particles/0.000xv00*dat --radius 1 -o ~/scratch/cosmic_web.pkd
This step should create two files: a cosmic_web.pkd, and a cosmic_web.pkdbin
Given a ".pkd" file (assuming ~/scratch/cosmic_web.pkd) you can render this with the OSPRay Example Viewer:
./ospExampleViewer --module pkd --import:pkd:<path to pkd file>
More Information:
A sample video of this technique has been uploaded by Aaron Knoll to youtube:
Intel Parallel Computing Center for Data Analysis and Visualization at the SCI Institute, University of Utah
The project was mentioned in a HPC Wire article by James Jeffers: