ADD RESTless filter to multiples views, improving the searchs
ADD "extras" modal in options menu, linking to other Faraday resources
ADD import vulnerability templates
command to faraday-manage
ADD generate nginx config
command to faraday-manage
ADD vulnerabilities severities count to host
ADD Active Agent columns to workspace
ADD critical vulns count to workspace
ADD Remember me
login option
ADD distinguish host flag
ADD a create_date field to comments
FIX to use new webargs version
FIX Custom Fields view in KB (Vulnerability Templates)
FIX bug on filter endpoint for vulnerabilities with offset and limit parameters
FIX bug raising 403 Forbidden
HTTP error when the first workspace was not active
FIX bug when changing the token expiration change
FIX bug in Custom Fields type Choice when choice name is too long.
FIX Vulnerability Filter endpoint Performance improvement using joinedload. Removed several nplusone uses
MOD Updating the template.ini for new installations
MOD Improve SMTP configuration
MOD The agent now indicates how much time it had run (faraday-agent-dispatcher v1.4.0)
MOD Type "Vulnerability Web" cannot have "Host" type as a parent when creating data in bulk
MOD Expiration default time from 1 month to 12 hour
MOD Improve data reference when uploading a new report
MOD Refactor Knowledge Base's bulk create to take to take also multiple creation from vulns in status report.
MOD All HTTP OPTIONS endpoints are now public
MOD Change documentation and what's new links in about
REMOVE Flask static endpoint
REMOVE of our custom logger
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