1 - Sorting is allowed only for one field at a time.
2 - Date range should be provided both (checkin,checkout) or nothing
3 - All information is returned from the endpoint with no null values.
1 - PHP 7.1 or later 2 - Composer
1 - Installing composer packages running the following command at the application root
composer install
2 - Running the application using the following artisan command
php artisan serve
by default ,the application will be served using laravel development server on port 8000
1 - Run application unit tests using phpunit by executing the following command at the application root
You can consume the API using this shared postman collection
Or using the following samples
1 - Basic Hotels Search
2 - Hotel Name Search
3 - City Search
4 - Date Range Search
5 - Price Range Search
6 - All Combined