pgjdbc-ng 0.6
Release consists of mostly API conformance changes and bug fixes.
Artem Prigoda (2):
Add support for CITEXT type
Don't ignore a calendar in column-label time methods
Brent Avery (2):
Bug #179 fix - handle alter text search configuration sql
Bug #179 - add tests
Frode Carlsen (2):
fix for test errors - blobtest eol error, codectext interval format for locale error, race condition in connectiontest.testKillConnection
minimal support for external extensions to pgjdbc datatypes
Jesper Pedersen (13):
Fix Ignore'd executeBatch tests
Add a test case for a column alias
Add a strict mode to force byte[] cast for getObject(int)
Added strict mode for getColumnName(int)
Expand strict mode for Double / Types.REAL
Add underlying message to exception
StrictMode documentation
Check if connection is closed in execute()
[#183] Check for length in consumeSinglelineComment
Include more information in IllegalStateException
Guard against size violation
[#187] Netty 4.0.32.Final
Kevin Wooten (5):
Merge pull request #190 from arteam/citext-support
Support LOCK in protocol command complete
Fix javadoc errors
[maven-release-plugin] prepare release pgjdbc-ng-0.6
[maven-release-plugin] prepare for next development iteration