This repository serves as the record of the current and past records of files used for the AstroPAL coding workshops.
To copy this repository onto your machine, simply run:
git clone
If you do not have git installed on your machine, you can install it from here.
Below is some general advice/resources we wanted to provide all of you in case you wanted to explore some more interesting packages/methods after the workshop!
Astropy: Large collection of software packages written in Python for astronomy
Galpy: Python package for galactic dynamics
Dustmaps: 2D/3D dust maps used to estimate reddening written in Python
AstroML: Python machine learning/data mining package made specifically for astronomers
Lightkurve: Python package for accessing and analyzing Kepler and TESS data
Glue: Multidimensional data visualization tool written in Python. This was made by astronomers, so has a lot of things built in that are astronomy specific.
Astrodendro: Python package for making dendrograms, specifically written in Python for applications within astronomy. (If you don’t know what dendrograms are, they are useful for identifying 2D features in images).
- package for plotting
Comment your code (just do it!)
Give your variables appropriate names
Backup everything (see Github discussion)
Having trouble finding the error?
Print things out (brute force way)
Learn to use a debugger
When first using a script, run it on a smaller, test dataset
Don’t go editing your original data source
Make your code easier to read with a linter