desc: | source control for Oracle's ETL tool |
Oracle Data Integrator (ODI) is a ETL tool used in many enterprises to help manage data warehouses and similar large data sets.
We discovered that a fundamental difficulty in working with ODI amoungst multiple development teams was that the source code for one ETL transaction is not stored as text in a IDE, but as chunks of text in different database tables.
This meant that every assumption about Agile development methodologies working with ODI is......broken.
However we have developed a solution to bi-directionally output the entire source code of an ODI repository in and out of a traditional SCM, and do so at a granualrity of a "script" - thus changes to a single script in one teamn can be safely merged with others and only where teams truly are in conflict will a merge conflict be raised.
In short - Agile with ODI is now possible, source control with ODI is now possible
Read the docs at: -