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Some general helpers for Meteor Blaze including comparison, logic and numeric operators, logging, objects manipulation.


meteor add imajus:common-helpers

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Package provides following global Blaze helpers:

  • log(...args) – Just logs all argument passed to the browser console.
  • field(object, path) – Extract a field from object by path (dot delimeters can be used):
{{field targetObject fieldName}}
{{field user 'email.0.address'}}
  • not(val) – Equivalent of !val.
  • eq(...args) – Returns true only if all arguments passed are equal (tested using == operator). Note: returns false if only one argument is passed.
  • is(...args) – Returns true only if all arguments passed are identical (tested using === operator). Note: returns false if only one argument is passed.
  • and(...args) – Returns true-like value if all arguments passed are true-like, return false-like otherwise (for using in conditions). Strictly speaking, helper returns first false-like value found in arguments or the last argument if all are true-like:
{{#if and currentUser someState somethingElse}}
  <div class="{{and someStringVariable 'replacement'}}">
  • or(...args) – Returns true-like value if any argument passed is true-like, return false-like if all arguments are false-like (for using in conditions). Strictly speaking, helper returns first true-like value found in arguments or the last argument if all are false-like:
{{#if or currentUser isEmulator}}
  <div class="{{or someStringVariable 'fallback'}}">
  • sum(...args) – Sums all arguments passed using += operator (can also be used for string concatenation, but for that better to use concat from imajus:string-helpers):
<div>{{sum price fee tax}}</div>
  • sub(...args) - Subtract arguments starting from 2nd from 1st.
<div>{{sub capacity used}}</div>
  • positive(...args) – Returns true only if all passed arguments are greater than zero, returns false otherwise.
{{#if positive balance}}...{{/if}}
  • negative(...args) – Returns true only if all passed arguments are less than zero, returns false otherwise.
{{#if negative balance}}...{{/if}}
  • gt(...args, { comp }) – Returns true only if all passed arguments are greater than comp, returns false otherwise.
{{#if gt 9 balance comp=price}}...{{/if}}
  • gt(...args, { comp }) – Returns true only if all passed arguments are greater than or equal to comp, returns false otherwise.
{{#if gte 10 balance comp=price}}...{{/if}}
  • lt(...args, { comp }) – Returns true only if all passed arguments are less than comp, returns false otherwise.
{{#if lt 100 price comp=balance}}...{{/if}}
  • lte(...args, { comp }) – Returns true only if all passed arguments are less than or equal to comp, returns false otherwise.
{{#if lte 99 price comp=balance}}...{{/if}}
  • nullOrUndefined(...args) – Returns true only if all passed arguments are null or undefined.
  • when(...) - Analogue of ternary operator. Has two forms:
    1. when(cond, yes, no) - Returns yes value when cond is true-like, returns no value otherwise.
    2. when(...conds, { yes, no }) - Returns yes value when all conds are true-like, returns no value if any of conds false-like. This form allows not to pass yes and/or no at all, in which case undefined will be used for missing value.
<div class="{{when loaded 'loaded' 'loading'}}">
<div class="{{when loaded 'loaded'}}">
<div class="{{when loaded no='loading'}}">
<div class="{{when loaded ready subsReady yes='ready' no='loading'}}">
<div class="{{when loaded ready subsReady yes='ready'}}">
<div class="{{when loaded ready subsReady no='loading'}}">
  • chunk(array, size) – Splits array into chunks of equal size and return array of arrays. The latest chunk may have less elements than previous depending on the length of original array.
{{#each group in chunk items 3}}
  <div class="row">
    {{#each item in group}}
      <div class="col">...</div>


Meteor Blaze general purpose helpers







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