Send someone an email after you stop responding to periodic pings
- Send an email with a link that confirms you're alive
- Send an email to specified address on confirmation failure
- Adjustable reminder interval
- Adjustable number of reminders
Roswell / SBCL
Start by installing Sendmail
sudo apt-get install sendmail
And configure with
sudo sendmailconfig
Next install the Lisp manager Roswell.
Instructions here:
The Ubuntu/Debian package is installed with
curl -sOL `curl -s | jq -r '.assets | .[] | select(.name|test("deb$")) | .browser_download_url'`
Once Roswell is installed, install Steel Bank Common Lisp with
$ros install sbcl
Then cd into your ~/.roswell/local-projects directory and clone the simpledms repo
git clone
Last, build the project with
$ros build ./simpledms.ros
Use tmux, screen or terminal multiplexer to run the process permanently.
Create a message with the m command.
After the message interval has been reached the process will use sendmail to email a message with a token.
Follow the link in the email to confirm you're alive.
After the retry count has been hit, the message will be sent to the specified receiver.