Created by Steven Degutis -
- Add InspectorKit.Framework to your Cocoa project by dragging it into your Frameworks group, adding a Copy Files build phase to your Target, and dragging the Framework from the group to that Copy Files phase.
- Double-click the InspectorKitPlugin.ibplugin file
- Enjoy!
If you use this code, I would appreciate it if you added me to the credits, with a link to my website. Preferred format is
InspectorKit created by Steven Degutis -
You can also find my video tutorials and other resources on how to learn programming for the Mac and iPhone, at
I am available for contracting work, check out my site at
My modifications are relatively minor and I release all claim to them such that they can be integrated into InspectorKit without any change in the existing InspectorKit license and licensing/crediting requirements.