Clippan is a CouchDB CLI/shell, as an alternative to Fauxton or using curl
clippan is under develoment. Even in read-only mode (which is the default) it could delete data due to bugs - USE AT YOUR OWN RISK. Do not use on production databases!
The current shell commands may change and most commands are still very minimal with limited error checking.
use Connect to a database (takes just a database name or full dsn)
databases List all databases
createdb Create a database (disabled, ro mode)
deletedb Delete a database (disabled, ro mode)
all List all docs, paginated
get Get a single document by id
put Create a new document (disabled, ro mode)
edit Edit an existing document (disabled, ro mode)
query Query a view
exit Exit clippan
help Show help
Effectively, you can create, delete, access databases, create, access and delete documents in those databases and query views.
With a recent Go install (>=1.13.x), make
will build a clippan binary in bin/
There are several pre-compiled releases available in the releases section
Windows is currently not supported because of the dependency on go-prompt, which is not available for windows.
clippan <dsn> [-c string] [-write]
- a full couchdb url optionally including a database, e.g. http://admin:admin@localhost:5984/mydb
-c string
- execute a sequence of ;
-separated commands, e.g -c "use foo;query -json a b"
- start clippan in write mode (read-only is default). Write mode allows creation/deletion of databases and documents
Clippan is powered by kivik, an excellent go/couchdb interface, which also inspired the name Clippan (klippan is, like kivik, an Ikea couch)