Adds templates:
Most Scooby pickups, all common enemies and some stage objects (update EditorFiles for new Scooby HIPs)
Incredibles pickups
Progress Script
New hotkeys: B and N to select previous/next template or user template
Adds 'Add selected assets' button for MVPT, SGRP, ALST, COLL, LODT, PIPT, SHDW and Ring Control entries in addition to Group
Adds support for rendering all models referenced in a MINF instead of just the first one (toggleable from Display)
Adds support for Scooby Particle Emitter
Adds Scooby event names
Automatically converts between Links, Timed Links and Progress Links when copying/pasting links among the different asset types
Fixes issue in which moving mouse offscreen with a gizmo selected made the gizmo unusable
Fixes issue in which 'Import Archive' didn't work correctly in Scooby
Fixes 'Find Who Targets Me' and 'Verify Archive' taking too long and sometimes throwing errors
Fixes 'Help' button with broken links in asset editors
Fixes templates with wrong names
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