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Industrial Park v0.1.2

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@igorseabra4 igorseabra4 released this 30 Apr 06:18
· 416 commits to master since this release
  • Adds asset editor: SDFX. Can edit all fields, display (using radius from SGRP) and cross-version copy.
  • Updates asset editors: SGRP, PLAT.
  • Adds templates: SDFX and SoundGroup (SGRP) (Movie/Incredibles/ROTU).
  • Fixes issue that caused Import Multiple Assets to remove sound entries instead of adding when importing them!
  • Fixes issue that made it required for you to download vgmstream to extract sounds, for which it's not necessary.
  • Fixes editing of RandomRange in TIMR assets. Using that should work properly now.