Test framework for automating mobile apps with appium using webdriverio & typescript!
Currently this framework has been developed to run scripts in ANDROID platform with real device.
The tests run both on Android Native App and Mobile Browser. Chrome browser is configured currently for running browser tests.
- Appium - This is the node server which interacts with the mobile devices
- WebdriverIO - It is the selenium webdriver api bindings for node.js, It has a very simple api which could be used to automate web & browser apps in a fast and scalable way.
- Typescript(Javascript) - It is the superset of javascript which has additional static typings and features like JAVA and other languaes. Now you could write your code which compiles to pure javascript.
- Cucumber - The popular BDD test framework which helps us write automated tests.
NodeJS installed globally in the system. https://nodejs.org/en/download/
JAVA(jdk) installed in the system.
Andriod(sdk) installed in the system.
Set JAVA_HOME & ANDROID_HOME paths correctly in the system.
Chrome browser installed.
Text Editor/IDE (Optional) installed-->Sublime/Visual Studio Code/Brackets.
Tip: Install npm install -g appium-doctor
and run it from the command-line which checks if your java jdk and android sdk paths are set correctly or not.
- Clone the repository into a folder
- Go inside the folder and run following command from terminal/command prompt
npm install
- All the dependencies from package.json and typescript typings would be installed in node_modules folder.
Tip: Use Yarn to install your modules npm install -g yarn
as it caches & locks them which would help us install correct versions of modules across various platforms without any issues. This project is configured with yarn.lock
file. So you could make use of it.
- First step is to start the
server, This project includes the appium node module so you don't have to download it externally. You can run the appium server by the following npm command.
npm run appium
- Next you have to transpile/compile your typescript files to javascript files, you could do this by running the command -
npm run build
Next step is to execute the config files. This project has 2 config files -
- wdio.app.config.js - This config file is used to run tests in real mobile native apps.
You would have to change the
appium settings
to run tests in your device.
capabilities: [
appiumVersion: '1.7.1', // Appium module version
browserName: '', // browser name is empty for native apps
platformName: 'Android',
app: './app/LGCalculator.apk', // Path to the native app
appPackage: 'com.android.calculator2', // Package name of the app
appActivity: 'com.android.calculator2.Calculator', // App activity of the app
platformVersion: '5.1.1', // Android platform version of the device
deviceName: 'THF755e0384', // device name of the mobile device
waitforTimeout: waitforTimeout,
commandTimeout: commandTimeout,
newCommandTimeout: 30 * 60000,
To know your device name you could run the adb devices
command which comes out of the box from Android SDK.
The node command to run Native app tests of this project is -
npm run app-test
The above command which is set in package.json
internally calls the WebdriverIO's binary wdio ./config/wdio.app.config.js
and runs the app config file.
- wdio.browser.config.js - This config file is used to run tests in the chrome browser of the configured mobile device. The appium settings would looks like this-
capabilities: [
appiumVersion: '1.7.1',
browserName: 'chrome', // browser name should be specified
platformName: 'Android',
platformVersion: '5.1.1',
deviceName: 'THF755e0384', // device name is mandatory
waitforTimeout: waitforTimeout,
commandTimeout: commandTimeout,
newCommandTimeout: 30 * 60000,
The node command to run browser tests of this project is -
npm run browser-test
The above command internally calls the WebdriverIO's binary wdio ./config/wdio.browser.config.js
and runs the browser config file.
You could run both the native app and browser tests by running the following command -
npm test
The above command internally calls npm run app-test
and npm run browser-test
Cucumber framework has been integrated with thi project, WebdriverIO's wdio-cucumber-framework
adapter helps write BDD style tests with Features & Step Definitions.
const {Given, When, Then} = require('cucumber');
import {expect} from 'chai';
import {CalculatorPageObject} from '../pages/calcPage';
const calc: CalculatorPageObject = new CalculatorPageObject();
Given(/^I am on my mobile calculator app$/, () => {
const title = browser.getText('android.widget.TextView');
This framework is strictly written using page-object design pattern.
class GooglePageObject {
public get searchTextBox(): any { return browser.element('#lst-ib'); }
public get searchButton(): any { return browser.element('button[name="btnG"]'); }
public get results(): any { return browser.waitForVisible('#rso', 5000); }
public get firstLink(): any { return browser.element('#rso div._H1m._ees'); }
Public Interface - export instances of classes
export const GooglePage = new GooglePageObject()
Finding elements in mobile apps and browser's could be tricky sometimes.
- Best way to find elements in native mobile apps is using UIAutomatorViewer .This supports Android 4.3 and above only, If you are using android version less than that, you could use Selendriod
- Best way to find elements in mobile browser is by Remote debugging with Chrome DevTools. I personally find it lot easier & hassle free. You could find detail steps about it in this blog
Currently this project has been integrated with Allure-Reports. WebdriverIO's wdio-allure-reporter
helps us generate detailed reports of our mobile automated tests.
Once the test execution is finished you would find the allure-results folder generated automatically. Then you would have to run the following command to generate HTML Report
npm run report
Caveat: Chrome browser has an issue rendering the AJAX requests from local files generated by allure, You could use Firefox for seeing the html report. You could find more details about this issue here
MIT License
Copyright (c) 2017 Ram Pasala