A collection of stateless (or minimally stateful) stylized and configurable UI presentation components for rapid prototyping in react native.
npm i react-native-uikit -S
import what you need
import { Button, Card } from 'react-native-uikit';
AlertMessage, ArticleText, Avatar, AvatarHeader, Button, Card, Carousel, Close, DateItem, Divider, FieldError, Grid, GalleryOffset, Heading, ImageCustom, InputField, LikeBtn, ListBasic, LoginFb, LoginForm, MapSection, Message, MessageList, ProfileHeader, RatingBox, ReviewCell, Search, ThumbSwiper, Time
any margin issues occur between components wrap the component in a
import {AvatarHeader, ImageCustom, LikeBtn, ArticleText, Divider } from 'react-native-uikit';
<View style={{flex:1, paddingTop: 20}}>
heading={'John Doe'}
onPress={() => console.log('pressed')}
<View style={{paddingTop: 10, paddingHorizontal: 10, backgroundColor: '#fff'}}>
onPress={() => console.log('liked')}
username={'John Doe'}
text={'Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. '}
onPress={() => console.log('link to profile')}
<Divider color={'#eee'}/>
import { AlertMessage } from 'react-native-uikit'
message={'This is the alert message here'}
onPress={() => console.log('pressed')}
Prop | Type | Description |
backgroundColor | String | box background color |
color | String | text color |
message | String | message text |
onPress | Func | called on press of close button |
style | Object | Container Style for the Alert Message |
textStyle | Object | Styling for the Text within the Alert Message |
closeStyle | Object | Styling for the close button |
import { ArticleText } from 'react-native-uikit'
text={'Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua.'}
onPress={() => console.log('pressed')}
Prop | Type | Description |
username | String | username |
text | String | body of text for article |
highLightColor | String | text color for username |
onPress | Func | called on press |
style | Object | Container Style |
userStyle | Object | Style applied to the username field |
textStyle | Object | Style applied to the text field |
import { ArticleList } from 'react-native-uikit'
headerContent={<Text style={{textAlign:'center', fontSize: 20, padding: 10, backgroundColor: '#eee', marginBottom: 3}}>HEADER CONTENT</Text>}
{id:0, category:'Misc', timestamp: 1463338637801, title:'Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua.', src:'https://placehold.it/200/798466'},
{id:1, category:'Misc', timestamp: 1463338637801, title:'Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua.', src:'https://placehold.it/200/311112'},
{id:2, category:'Misc', timestamp: 1463338637801, title:'Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua.', src:'https://placehold.it/200/D4BB69'},
{id:3, category:'Misc', timestamp: 1463338637801, title:'Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua.', src:'https://placehold.it/200/ABB2B8'},
{id:4, category:'Misc', timestamp: 1463338637801, title:'Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua.', src:'https://placehold.it/200/798466'},
{id:5, category:'Misc', timestamp: 1463338637801, title:'Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua.', src:'https://placehold.it/200/919888'},
footerContent={<Text style={{textAlign:'center', fontSize: 20, padding: 10, backgroundColor: '#eee'}}>FOOTER CONTENT</Text>}
onPress={(id) => console.log(id)}
Prop | Type | Description |
items | Array | data |
cellHeight | Number | height of cell |
categoryWeight | String | font weight of category |
categorySize | Number | font size of category |
titleSize | Number | font size of title |
titleColor | String | color of title |
dateColor | String | color of date |
headerContent | Component | content for header (optional) |
footerContent | Component | content for footer (optional) |
onPress | Func | called on press return cell id |
style | Object | Style applied to individual Article Item TouchableOpacity |
containerStyle | Object | Style applied to the container |
itemStyle | Object | Style applied to individual Article Item |
imageStyle | Object | Style applied to the article image |
cellStyle | Object | Style applied to the Article Cell |
cellTextStyle | Object | Style applied to the wrapper text within the Article Cell |
textStyle | Object | Style applied to the Title Text |
dateStyle | Object | Style applied to the Date |
import { Avatar} from 'react-native-uikit'
onPress={() => console.log('pressed')}
Prop | Type | Description |
src | String | src for avartar img |
size | Number | height & width of img |
circle | Bool | is circular |
onPress | Func | called on press |
style | Object | Styles |
containerStyle | Object | Container Style |
imageStyle | Object | avatar image style |
import { AvatarHeader } from 'react-native-uikit'
<AvatarHeader src={'https://s3.amazonaws.com/uifaces/faces/twitter/evagiselle/128.jpg'}
heading={'Lynsey Smith'}
Prop | Type | Description |
heading | String | title / username |
timestamp | Number | Unix Timestamp (milliseconds) |
backgroundColor | String | section background color |
gutter | Number | spacing around |
onPress | Func | called on press |
style | Object | Styles |
containerStyle | Object | Container Style |
dateStyle | Object | Styles for Date |
avatarStyle | Object | Avatar Styles |
avatarContainerStyle | Object | Avatar Container Style |
avatarImageStyle | Object | avatar image style |
import { Button } from 'react-native-uikit'
Prop | Type | Description |
backgroundColor | String | box background color |
color | String | text color |
radius | Number | border radius size |
onPress | Func | called on press |
children | String | button text |
style | Object | Button Styles |
textStyle | String | button text styles |
import { ButtonOutline } from 'react-native-uikit'
Prop | Type | Description |
color | String | text and border color |
radius | Number | border radius size |
fontWeight | String | font weight |
fontSize | Number | font size |
onPress | Func | called on press |
children | String | button text |
style | Object | Button Styles |
textStyle | String | button text styles |
import { Card } from 'react-native-uikit'
onPress={() => console.log('card pressed')}
title={'Card title - Some quick example text to build on the card title and make up the bulk of the card'}
Prop | Type | Description |
backgroundColor | String | box background color |
color | String | text color |
shadow | Bool | display dropshadow (default true) |
src | String | img src |
gutter | Number | side padding |
radius | Number | border radius size |
onPress | Func | called on press |
style | Object | styles |
containerStyle | Object | Card Container Style |
imageStyle | Object | Styles for the Image |
contentStyle | Object | Styles for the content wrapper |
titleStyle | Object | Styles applied to the title |
linkStyle | Object | styles applied to the link |
import { Carousel } from 'react-native-uikit'
{id:0, src:'https://placehold.it/600/311112'},
{id:1, src:'https://placehold.it/600/59C480'},
{id:2, src:'https://placehold.it/600/546C80'},
{id:3, src:'https://placehold.it/600/D58554'},
{id:4, src:'https://placehold.it/600/F0CD9B'},
{id:5, src:'https://placehold.it/600/311112'},
Prop | Type | Description |
images | Array | array of images |
height | Number | height of carousel |
gutter | Number | padding to sides |
style | Object | style applied to the ScrollView |
contentContainerStyle | Object | contentContainerStyles for the ScrollView |
imageStyle | Object | Styles applied to the Images |
import { Close } from 'react-native-uikit'
onPress={() => console.log('closed')}
Prop | Type | Description |
size | Number | width / height |
color | String | color of button |
onPress | Func | called on press |
style | Object | Styles |
import { DateItem } from 'react-native-uikit'
Prop | Type | Description |
timestamp | Number | Unix Timestamp (milliseconds) |
color | String | color of text |
marginLeft | Number | margin left |
style | Object | Styles |
import { Divider } from 'react-native-uikit'
Prop | Type | Description |
color | String | color of divider |
style | Object | Styles |
import { FieldError } from 'react-native-uikit'
errorMsg={'error something has gone wrong!'}
Prop | Type | Description |
errorMsg | String | error message |
error | Bool | display message or not |
color | String | color of text |
marginBottom | Number | marginBottom |
style | Object | Styles |
textStyle | Object | Styles for text |
import { Grid } from 'react-native-uikit'
headerContent={<Text style={{textAlign:'center', fontSize: 20, padding: 10, backgroundColor: '#eee', marginBottom: 3}}>HEADER CONTENT</Text>}
{id:0, src:'https://placehold.it/200/798466'},
{id:1, src:'https://placehold.it/200/311112'},
{id:2, src:'https://placehold.it/200/ABB2B8'},
{id:3, src:'https://placehold.it/200/D4BB69'},
{id:4, src:'https://placehold.it/200/798466'},
{id:5, src:'https://placehold.it/200/919888'},
{id:6, src:'https://placehold.it/200/ABB2B8'},
{id:7, src:'https://placehold.it/200/919888'},
{id:8, src:'https://placehold.it/200/A9C781'},
{id:9, src:'https://placehold.it/200/311112'},
footerContent={<Text style={{textAlign:'center', fontSize: 20, padding: 10, backgroundColor: '#eee'}}>FOOTER CONTENT</Text>}
onPress={(id) => console.log(id)}
Prop | Type | Description |
images | Array | images array |
itemsPerRow | Number | number of items per row |
spacing | Number | spacing between cells |
style | Object | Styles |
containerStyle | Object | Grid Container Style |
import { GalleryOffset } from 'react-native-uikit'
Prop | Type | Description |
images | Array | images array |
style | Object | Styles |
imageStyle | Object | Style applied to every image |
import { ImageCustom } from 'react-native-uikit'
<View style={{flex:1, justifyContent:'center'}}>
<Text style={{color:'#fff', backgroundColor:'transparent',fontSize:90, fontWeight: '100', textAlign:'center'}}>YES HELLO</Text>
Prop | Type | Description |
src | String | img src |
height | Number | img height |
fullHeight | Bool | fullscreen height |
children | Component | allows nesting children components |
blurRadius | Number | background img blur radius (default 0) |
overlayColor | String | background overlay color |
overlayOpacity | Number | background overlay opacity |
style | Object | Styles |
contentStyle | Object | Styles applied to the Content Wrapper within Image Custom |
import { InputField } from 'react-native-uikit'
placeHolder={'i am the placeholder txt'}
Prop | Type | Description |
placeHolder | String | input placeholder |
gutter | Number | padding |
color | String | text color |
backgroundColor | String | background color |
radius | Number | border radius |
autoCapitalize | String | default 'none' ('none', 'sentences', 'words', 'characters') |
autoCorrect | Bool | default false |
style | Object | Styles |
import { LikeBtn } from 'react-native-uikit'
onPress={() => console.log('liked')}
Prop | Type | Description |
active | Bool | is active |
likes | Number | number of likes |
color | String | text color |
onPress | Func | called onPress |
style | Func | styles |
imageStyle | Func | styles applied to the Like Image |
textStyle | Func | styles applied to the text |
import { ListBasic } from 'react-native-uikit'
headerContent={<Text style={{textAlign:'center', fontSize: 20, padding: 10, backgroundColor: '#eee', marginBottom: 3}}>HEADER CONTENT</Text>}
{id: 0, title:'Label'},
{id: 1, title:'Label'},
{id: 2, title:'Label'},
{id: 3, title:'Label'}
footerContent={<Text style={{textAlign:'center', fontSize: 20, padding: 10, backgroundColor: '#eee'}}>FOOTER CONTENT</Text>}
onPress={(i) => console.log(id)}
Prop | Type | Description |
items | Array | list items |
onPress | Func | called onPress |
headerContent | Component | content for header (optional) |
footerContent | Component | content for footer (optional) |
style | Object | Styles (optional) |
rowStyle | Object | Styles for each row (optional) |
textStyle | Object | Styles for Content (optional) |
imageStyle | Object | Styles for Images (optional) |
headerStyle | Object | Styles for Header Wrapper (optional) |
footerStyle | Object | Styles for Footer Wrapper (optional) |
import { LoginFb } from 'react-native-uikit'
onPress={() => console.log('login with fb')}
Prop | Type | Description |
onPress | Func | called onPress |
style | Object | Styles (Optional) |
import { LoginForm } from 'react-native-uikit'
loginFb={() => console.log('login with facebook')}
onSubmit={(email, password) => console.log(email, password)}
errorMsg={'username or password incorrect'}
Prop | Type | Description |
loginFb | Func | called onPress fb login |
onSubmit | Func | called onPress login |
error | Bool | display error message |
errorMsg | String | error message |
btnBackgroundColor | String | submit btn background color |
btnColor | String | submit btn text color |
inputRadius | String | radius of inputs |
btnRadius | String | radius of submit button |
style | Object | Styles (Optional) |
inputStyle | Object | Styles for username and password input fields (Optional) |
usernameStyle | Object | Styles for input field for username (Optional) |
passwordStyle | Object | Styles for input field for password (Optional) |
btnStyle | Object | Styles for Button (Optional) |
btnTextStyle | Object | Styles for Button Text (Optional) |
errorStyle | Object | Styles for Field Error (Optional) |
errorTextStyle | Object | Styles for Field Error Text (Optional) |
better alternative https://github.com/lelandrichardson/react-native-maps
import { MapSection } from 'react-native-uikit'
latitude: 40.712784,
longitude: -74.005941,
latitudeDelta: 10,
longitudeDelta: 10,}
latitude: 40.712784,
longitude: -74.005941,
title: 'New York',
subtitle: 'This is cool!'}]
Prop | Type | Description |
height | Number | map height |
fullHeight | Bool | display full height |
region | Obj | region on map |
annotations | Array | markers on map |
style | Object | Styles (Optional) |
import { Message } from 'react-native-uikit'
user={'Jon Snow'}
title={'Winter is Coming'}
message={'Hey Rob, have you seen the weather report on tv ?'}
Prop | Type | Description |
active | Bool | is message read |
user | String | sender name |
title | String | message title |
message | String | message body |
timestamp | Number | Unix Timestamp (milliseconds) |
style | Object | Styles (Optional) |
containerStyle | Object | Styles for message Container Wrapper (Optional) |
headerStyle | Object | Styles for Header (Optional) |
userStyle | Object | Styles for username text (Optional) |
timestampStyle | Object | Styles for timestamp text (Optional) |
titleStyle | Object | Styles for message title text (Optional) |
messageStyle | Object | Styles for message text (Optional) |
import { MessageList } from 'react-native-uikit'
headerContent={<Text style={{textAlign:'center', fontSize: 20, padding: 10, backgroundColor: '#eee', marginBottom: 3}}>HEADER CONTENT</Text>}
{id:0, active:false, user: 'Jon Snow', title: 'Winter is Coming', message: 'Hey Rob, have you seen the weather report on tv ?', timestamp: 1460223614421},
{id:1, active:true, user: 'Ric Lowe', title: 'Guess what I found?', message: 'Hey Rob, checkout this story ?', timestamp: 1460221614421},
{id:2, active:true ,user: 'Jon Snow', title: 'title 3', message: 'Hey Rob, have you seen the weather report on tv ?', timestamp: 1460227614421},
footerContent={<Text style={{textAlign:'center', fontSize: 20, padding: 10, backgroundColor: '#eee'}}>FOOTER CONTENT</Text>}
onPress={(id) => console.log(id)}
Prop | Type | Description |
items | Array | messages data |
backgroundColor | String | background color |
headerContent | Component | content for header (optional) |
footerContent | Component | content for footer (optional) |
onPress | Func | called by press returns message id |
style | Object | Styles (Optional) |
messgaeStyle | Object | Styles applied to individual message (Optional) |
messageContainerStyle | Object | Styles for each message Container Wrapper (Optional) |
headerStyle | Object | Styles for Header (Optional) |
messageHeaderStyle | Object | Styles for each message Header (Optional) |
footerStyle | Object | Styles for Footer (Optional) |
messageUserStyle | Object | Styles for username text for each message (Optional) |
messageTimestampStyle | Object | Styles for timestamp text for each message (Optional) |
messageTitleStyle | Object | Styles for message title text for each message (Optional) |
messageTextStyle | Object | Styles for message text for each message (Optional) |
import { ProfileHeader } from 'react-native-uikit'
Prop | Type | Description |
profileImg | String | profile thumb src |
backgroundImg | String | background img src |
circle | Bool | profile img circular |
blurRadius | Number | background img blur radius (default 0) |
style | Object | Container Style (Optional) |
profileImageStyle | Object | Styles for profile pic (Optional) |
backgroundImageStyle | Object | Styles for background Image (Optional) |
import { RatingBox } from 'react-native-uikit'
<RatingBox rating={4} outOf={5}/>
Prop | Type | Description |
rating | Number | Current Rating |
outOf | Number | Max Rating |
Style | Object | Styles (Optional) |
containerStyle | Object | Styles for Rating Container (Optional) |
ratingStyle | Object | Styles for Individual Stars (Optional) |
import { ReviewCell } from 'react-native-uikit'
description={'Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore'}
onPress={() => console.log('pressed')}
Prop | Type | Description |
title | String | item title |
description | String | item description |
src | String | item thumb src |
onPress | Func | called on press |
style | Object | Styles (Optional) |
containerStyle | Object | Styles for container (Optional) |
titleStyle | Object | Styles for title (Optional) |
descriptionStyle | Object | Styles for description (Optional) |
imageStyle | Object | Styles for image (Optional) |
ratingStyle | Object | Styles for rating (Optional) |
ratingContainerStyle | Object | Styles for rating Container (Optional) |
ratingStarStyle | Object | Styles for Stars in Rating (Equivalent of ratingStyle in Rating |
Component) (Optional) |
better alternative https://github.com/umhan35/react-native-search-bar
import { Search } from 'react-native-uikit'
<Search (Depreciated suggested )
placeHolder={'Search for cool stuff..'}
onChangeText={(text) => console.log(text)}
Prop | Type | Description |
placeHolder | String | placeholder text |
backgroundColor | String | background color |
innerBackground | String | search box background color |
border | Bool | display border or not |
radius | Number | border radius |
borderColor | String | search border color |
iconColor | String | search icon color |
onChangeText | Func | called with search text on text change |
import { ThumbSwiper } from 'react-native-uikit'
{id:0, src:'https://placehold.it/200/798466'},
{id:1, src:'https://placehold.it/200/311112'},
{id:2, src:'https://placehold.it/200/ABB2B8'},
{id:3, src:'https://placehold.it/200/D4BB69'},
{id:4, src:'https://placehold.it/200/798466'},
{id:5, src:'https://placehold.it/200/919888'},
{id:6, src:'https://placehold.it/200/ABB2B8'},
{id:7, src:'https://placehold.it/200/919888'},
{id:8, src:'https://placehold.it/200/A9C781'},
{id:9, src:'https://placehold.it/200/311112'},
onPress={(id) => console.log(id)}
Prop | Type | Description |
images | Array | images |
style | Object | Styles (Optional) |
contentContainerStyle | Object | contentContainerStyle (Optional) |
imageStyle | Object | Styles for the Image (Optional) |
11.47 AM
import { Time } from 'react-native-uikit'
Prop | Type | Description |
color | String | text color |
timestamp | Number | Unix Timestamp (milliseconds) |
style | Object | Styles (Optional) |