A repository of introductory exercises to practice reverse engineering with help for when you get lost.
Install Oracle virtualbox then, import the Kali Linux virtualbox ova file.
1. https://www.virtualbox.org/wiki/Downloads
2. https://www.offensive-security.com/kali-linux-vm-vmware-virtualbox-image-download/
Start the virtual machine, Username: kali && Password: kali, open a terminal and run the
following in the window.
git clone https://github.com/ifyGecko/RE_Challenges;cd RE_Challenges;chmod +x set-up.sh;./set-up.sh
In order to update the challenges and help documents of an already cloned repo run the following command.
cd ~/RE_Challenges;chmod +x update.sh;./update.sh
Note: It is advised to take a snapshot of the virtual machine immediately before/after any update.
To remove all files and tools associated with RE_Challenges run the following command.
cd ~/RE_Challenges;chmod +x remove.sh;./remove.sh
The proper way to finish a challenge is to use dynamic and static analysis tools to inspect each
challenge for the correct input(s), maybe even patch the binary, to print the "Score!" message.
- add/improve Go challenges
- add/improve help files