您收到一封邀请函:距离你走出高考考场,已经过了多久?像蚕轻咬绒叶般的笔尖划过纸面,窗外是静如蝉鸣般炽热,光斑驳停留桌前。而你知道,还有三分钟,你会收起磨烂的笔盖,走出这个闭着眼都能认路的狭小空间。下课铃声不再响起,呐喊和汗泪会一起挥洒在天际。直至火焰云坠落星空,你知道你终于跨过了这个艰难转折点,不再折返。你会想到什么?是遗憾,喜悦,彷惶,无悔,解脱?那是谁的笑脸?谁的话突然响起在你耳边?慢一点。大概,你还没有完成一件事一好好和这 一切,说句再见。让这盛夏光年有你一份绽放的璀璨,让你的高中时代有--个走心的道别。别再犹豫,请收下这封邀请函。这一次,我们一起给这三年,画上这笔浓墨重彩的句点。7月23日, 我们不见不散!
Pickyouth, a.k.a.PY2019, is a amazing gal gala held by YG evey year. This year, we'd like to announce that we are priviliged to hold it in YG in 20 July,2019
Buy your ticket first.
This program includs two parts:
I'd like to express my greatest gratitude to the followings. Without them, we can't live till tomorrow.
- Python Software Foundation
- YG
- the Old devil Organization