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First version of function that takes the output from doEstimationForA…
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davidcurrie2001 committed Oct 17, 2024
1 parent a55ccc1 commit ab89650
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123 changes: 123 additions & 0 deletions R/exportEstimationResultsToInterCatchFormat.R
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#' exportEstimationResultsToInterCatchFormat
#'This function transforms the estimation results into the InterCatch format.
#' @param dataToExport A data frame containing the estimation results -
#' this should include the output from the doEstimationForAllStrata function
#' and already have the the InterCatch columns present.
#' @return
#' @export
exportEstimationResultsToInterCatchFormat <- function(dataToExport){

# HI
# create a data frame called HIdefinitions with 2 columns: "Name" and "Type"
HIdefinitions <- data.frame(Name = c("Country","Year","SeasonType","Season","Fleet","AreaType","FishingArea","DepthRange","UnitEffort","Effort","AreaQualifier"),
Type = c("character","character","character","integer","character","character","character","character","character","integer","character"))
HIcols <- HIdefinitions$Name

# SI
# create a data frame called SIdefinitions with 2 columns: "Name" and "Type"
SIdefinitions <- data.frame(Name = c("Country","Year","SeasonType","Season","Fleet","AreaType","FishingArea","DepthRange","Species","Stock","CatchCategory","ReportingCategory","DataToFrom","Usage","SamplesOrigin","QualityFlag","UnitCATON","CATON","OffLandings","varCATON","InfoFleet","InfoStockCoordinator","InfoGeneral"),
Type = c("character","character","character","integer","character","character","character","character","character","character","character","character","character","character","character","character","character","numeric","integer","numeric","character","character","character"))
SIcols <- SIdefinitions$Name

# SD
# create a data frame called SDdefinitions with 2 columns: "Name" and "Type"
SDdefinitions <- data.frame(Name = c('Country','Year','SeasonType','Season','Fleet','AreaType','FishingArea','DepthRange','Species','Stock','CatchCategory','ReportingCategory','Sex','CANUMtype','AgeLength','PlusGroup','SampledCatch','NumSamplesLngt','NumLngtMeas','NumSamplesAge','NumAgeMeas','unitMeanWeight','unitCANUM','UnitAgeOrLength','UnitMeanLength','Maturity','NumberCaught','MeanWeight','MeanLength','varNumLanded','varWgtLanded','varLgtLanded'),
Type = c('character','character','character','integer','character','character','character','character','character','character','character','character','character','character','integer','integer','integer','integer','integer','integer','integer','character','character','character','character','character','numeric','numeric','numeric','numeric','numeric','numeric'))
SDcols <- SDdefinitions$Name

# TODO- create SD data (if required)

# find the values of SIcols that are in the column names of dataToExport
SIdata <- dataToExport[,intersect(SIcols,names(dataToExport))]
# remove any duplicates from SIdata
SIdata <- unique(SIdata)

SI <- createIC_SI(SIdata, SIdefinitions)

# find the values of HIcols that are in the column names of dataToExport
HIdata <- dataToExport[,intersect(HIcols,names(dataToExport))]
# remove any duplicates from HIdata
HIdata <- unique(HIdata)

HI <- createIC_HI(HIdata, HIdefinitions)

IC <- rbind(HI[,c("Key","Value")], SI[,c("Key","Value")])
# sort IC by the Key column
IC <- IC[order(IC$Key),]
# remove the Key column from IC
IC <- IC$Value



# Function to create HI format data
createIC_HI <- function(HIdata, HIdefinitions){

HI <- createIC_subtype(HIdata, HIdefinitions,"HI")

# create a new column in HI called "Key" - its value will be the following columns concatenated together (seperated by "_") "Country","Year","SeasonType","Season","Fleet","AreaType","FishingArea","DepthRange"
HI$Key <- paste(HI$Country,HI$Year,HI$SeasonType,HI$Season,HI$Fleet,HI$AreaType,HI$FishingArea,HI$DepthRange, sep = "_")


# Function to create SI format data
createIC_SI <- function(SIdata, SIdefinitions){

SI <- createIC_subtype(SIdata, SIdefinitions,"SI")

# create a new column in SI called "Key" - its value will be the following columns concatenated together (seperated by "_") "Country","Year","SeasonType","Season","Fleet","AreaType","FishingArea","DepthRange"
SI$Key <- paste(SI$Country,SI$Year,SI$SeasonType,SI$Season,SI$Fleet,SI$AreaType,SI$FishingArea,SI$DepthRange, sep = "_")


# Function to create SD format data
createIC_SD <- function(SDdata, SDdefinitions){

SD <- createIC_subtype(SDdata, SDdefinitions,"SD")

# create a new column in SD called "Key" - its value will be the following columns concatenated together (seperated by "_") "Country","Year","SeasonType","Season","Fleet","AreaType","FishingArea","DepthRange"
SD$Key <- paste(SD$Country,SD$Year,SD$SeasonType,SD$Season,SD$Fleet,SD$AreaType,SD$FishingArea,SD$DepthRange, sep = "_")


# Base function used by HI, SI, and SD functions to create the relevent data
createIC_subtype <- function(subtypeData, subtypeDefinitions, subtypeName){

numRows <- nrow(subtypeData)
recordType <- rep(subtypeName, numRows)
st <- data.table::data.table(recordType)

# loop through subtypeDefinitions and add parameter values to SD
for(i in 1:nrow(subtypeDefinitions)){
# check if the column name is in the column names of SDdata
if(subtypeDefinitions$Name[i] %in% names(subtypeData)){
myParam <- data.frame(subtypeData[[subtypeDefinitions$Name[i]]])
} else {
# if it isn't, create a column of NAs or -9s
if(subtypeDefinitions$Type[i] == "character"){
myParam <- data.frame(rep(NA, numRows))
} else {
myParam <- data.frame(rep(-9, numRows))
names(myParam) <- subtypeDefinitions$Name[i]
# change any NAs in myParam to "NA"
myParam[] <- "NA"
st <- cbind(st, myParam)

# create a new column in st called "Value" - it will have the values from all other columns concatenated together with a comma seperator
st$Value <- apply(st, 1, function(x) paste(x, collapse = ","))


96 changes: 96 additions & 0 deletions tests/testthat/test-exportEstimationResultsToInterCatchFormat.R
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#capture.output({ ## suppresses printing of console output when running test()

# H1 directory
dirH1 <- "./h1_v_1_19_26/"
myCountry <- "ZW"
myYear <- 1965
myCatchFraction <- "Lan"
mySpecies <- 1019159

generateTestData <- function(){

## Step 1) load and prepare some test data
myH1RawObject <- importRDBESDataCSV(rdbesExtractPath = dirH1)

# Edit our data so that we have SRSWOR on each level and calculate the probs
myH1RawObject[["VS"]]$VSselectMeth <- "SRSWOR"
myH1RawObject[["VS"]]$VSincProb <- myH1RawObject[["VS"]]$VSnumSamp / myH1RawObject[["VS"]]$VSnumTotal
myH1RawObject[["VS"]]$VSselProb <- 1/myH1RawObject[["VS"]]$VSnumTotal
myH1RawObject[["FT"]]$FTselectMeth <- "SRSWOR"
myH1RawObject[["FT"]]$FTincProb <- myH1RawObject[["FT"]]$FTnumSamp / myH1RawObject[["FT"]]$FTnumTotal
myH1RawObject[["FT"]]$FTselProb <- 1/myH1RawObject[["FT"]]$FTnumTotal
myH1RawObject[["FO"]]$FOselectMeth <- "SRSWOR"
myH1RawObject[["FO"]]$FOincProb <- myH1RawObject[["FO"]]$FOnumSamp / myH1RawObject[["FO"]]$FOnumTotal
myH1RawObject[["FO"]]$FOselProb <- 1/myH1RawObject[["FO"]]$FOnumTotal
myH1RawObject[["SS"]]$SSselectMeth <- "SRSWOR"
myH1RawObject[["SS"]]$SSincProb <- myH1RawObject[["SS"]]$SSnumSamp / myH1RawObject[["SS"]]$SSnumTotal
myH1RawObject[["SS"]]$SSselProb <- 1/myH1RawObject[["SS"]]$SSnumTotal
myH1RawObject[["SA"]]$SAselectMeth <- "SRSWOR"
myH1RawObject[["SA"]]$SAincProb <- myH1RawObject[["SA"]]$SAnumSamp / myH1RawObject[["SA"]]$SAnumTotal
myH1RawObject[["SA"]]$SAselProb <- 1/myH1RawObject[["SA"]]$SAnumTotal

# Update our test data with some random sample measurements (it didn't include these)
# set the random seed
myH1RawObject[['SA']]$SAsampWtLive <- round(runif(n=nrow(myH1RawObject[['SA']]),min = 1, max = 100))
myH1RawObject[['SA']]$SAsampWtMes <- round(runif(n=nrow(myH1RawObject[['SA']]),min = 1, max = 100))

#Filter our data for WGRDBES-EST TEST 1, 1965, H1
myFields <- c("DEyear","SDctry","DEhierarchy","DEsampScheme","DEstratumName","SAspeCode","SScatchFra")
myValues <- c(myYear,myCountry,1,"National Routine","DE_stratum1_H1",mySpecies,myCatchFraction)
myH1RawObject <- filterRDBESDataObject(myH1RawObject,
fieldsToFilter = myFields,
valuesToFilter = myValues )
myH1RawObject <- findAndKillOrphans(myH1RawObject)


test_that("exportEstimationResultsToInterCatchFormat runs without errors or warnings", {

# get some test data
myH1RawObject <- generateTestData()

## Create an estimation object, but stop at SA

myTestData <- createRDBESEstObject(myH1RawObject, 1, stopTable = "SA")
# Get rid of rows that don't have an SA row
myTestData <- myTestData[!$SAid),]
# Estimate using the data
myStrataResults <- doEstimationForAllStrata(myTestData, "SAsampWtLive")

# Get our estimated values for the PSU
psuEstimates <- myStrataResults[myStrataResults$recType == "VS",]

# This is the data we will export to IC format
dataToOutput <- data.frame(Country = myCountry,
Year = myYear,
SeasonType = NA,
Season = NA,
Fleet= NA,
AreaType = "Stratum",
FishingArea = psuEstimates$stratumName,
Species = mySpecies ,
Stock = mySpecies,
CatchCategory = substr(myCatchFraction, 1, 1),
ReportingCategory = "A",
Usage = "H",
SamplesOrigin = "O",
UnitCATON = "kg",
CATON = psuEstimates$,
varCATON = psuEstimates$

expect_error(exportEstimationResultsToInterCatchFormat(dataToOutput),NA )
expect_warning(exportEstimationResultsToInterCatchFormat(dataToOutput),NA )

icOutput <- exportEstimationResultsToInterCatchFormat(dataToOutput)
expect_equal(length(icOutput), 6)
expect_equal(icOutput[1], "HI,ZW,1965,NA,NA,NA,Stratum,VS_stratum1,NA,NA,-9,NA")
expect_equal(icOutput[2], "SI,ZW,1965,NA,NA,NA,Stratum,VS_stratum1,NA,1019159,1019159,L,A,NA,H,O,NA,kg, 3342.222,-9, 1053266,NA,NA,NA")


#}) ## end capture.output
120 changes: 120 additions & 0 deletions vignettes/create-IC-output-from-estimation-results.Rmd
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@@ -0,0 +1,120 @@
title: "Create IC format from doEstimationForAllStrata() output"
output: rmarkdown::html_vignette
vignette: >
%\VignetteIndexEntry{Create IC format from doEstimationForAllStrata}

```{r, include = FALSE}
collapse = TRUE,
comment = "#>"

## Introduction
This document shows how to take the output from doEstimationForAllStrata() and format it into the InterCatch format. This is done by using the function exportEstimationResultsToInterCatchFormat() in the RDBEScore package.

## Load the package

```{r setup}

## Step 1) load and prepare some test data

# load an example dataset
# H1 directory
dirH1 <- "../tests/testthat/h1_v_1_19_26/"
fixProbs <- function(myH1RawObject){
# Edit our data so that we have SRSWOR on each level and calculate the probs
myH1RawObject[["VS"]]$VSselectMeth <- "SRSWOR"
myH1RawObject[["VS"]]$VSincProb <- myH1RawObject[["VS"]]$VSnumSamp / myH1RawObject[["VS"]]$VSnumTotal
myH1RawObject[["VS"]]$VSselProb <- 1/myH1RawObject[["VS"]]$VSnumTotal
myH1RawObject[["FT"]]$FTselectMeth <- "SRSWOR"
myH1RawObject[["FT"]]$FTincProb <- myH1RawObject[["FT"]]$FTnumSamp / myH1RawObject[["FT"]]$FTnumTotal
myH1RawObject[["FT"]]$FTselProb <- 1/myH1RawObject[["FT"]]$FTnumTotal
myH1RawObject[["FO"]]$FOselectMeth <- "SRSWOR"
myH1RawObject[["FO"]]$FOincProb <- myH1RawObject[["FO"]]$FOnumSamp / myH1RawObject[["FO"]]$FOnumTotal
myH1RawObject[["FO"]]$FOselProb <- 1/myH1RawObject[["FO"]]$FOnumTotal
myH1RawObject[["SS"]]$SSselectMeth <- "SRSWOR"
myH1RawObject[["SS"]]$SSincProb <- myH1RawObject[["SS"]]$SSnumSamp / myH1RawObject[["SS"]]$SSnumTotal
myH1RawObject[["SS"]]$SSselProb <- 1/myH1RawObject[["SS"]]$SSnumTotal
myH1RawObject[["SA"]]$SAselectMeth <- "SRSWOR"
myH1RawObject[["SA"]]$SAincProb <- myH1RawObject[["SA"]]$SAnumSamp / myH1RawObject[["SA"]]$SAnumTotal
myH1RawObject[["SA"]]$SAselProb <- 1/myH1RawObject[["SA"]]$SAnumTotal
# Update our test data with some random sample measurements (it didn't include these)
# set the random seed
myH1RawObject[['SA']]$SAsampWtLive <- round(runif(n=nrow(myH1RawObject[['SA']]),min = 1, max = 100))
myH1RawObject[['SA']]$SAsampWtMes <- round(runif(n=nrow(myH1RawObject[['SA']]),min = 1, max = 100))
## Step 1) load and prepare some test data
myH1RawObject <- importRDBESDataCSV(rdbesExtractPath = dirH1)
#Filter our data for WGRDBES-EST TEST 1, 1965, H1
myCatchFraction <- "Lan"
mySpecies <- 1019159
myFields <- c("DEyear","DEhierarchy","DEsampScheme","DEstratumName","SAspeCode","SScatchFra")
myValues <- c(1965,1,"National Routine","DE_stratum1_H1",mySpecies,myCatchFraction)
myH1RawObject <- filterRDBESDataObject(myH1RawObject,
fieldsToFilter = myFields,
valuesToFilter = myValues )
myH1RawObject <- findAndKillOrphans(myH1RawObject)
myH1 <- fixProbs(myH1RawObject)

## Step 2) Create an estimation object, but stop at SA

myTestData <- createRDBESEstObject(myH1, 1, stopTable = "SA")
# Get rid of rows that don't have an SA row
myTestData <- myTestData[!$SAid),]
# Estimate using the data
myStrataResults <- doEstimationForAllStrata(myTestData, "SAsampWtLive")

## Step 3) Export the results to InterCatch format (just HI and SI for this data)

# Get our estimated values for the PSU
psuEstimates <- myStrataResults[myStrataResults$recType == "VS",]
# This is the data we will export to IC format
dataToOutput <- data.frame(Country = myH1[["SD"]]$SDctry,
Year = myH1[["DE"]]$DEyear,
SeasonType = NA,
Season = NA,
Fleet= NA,
AreaType = "Stratum",
FishingArea = psuEstimates$stratumName,
Species = mySpecies ,
Stock = mySpecies,
CatchCategory = substr(myCatchFraction, 1, 1),
ReportingCategory = "A",
Usage = "H",
SamplesOrigin = "O",
UnitCATON = "kg",
CATON = psuEstimates$,
varCATON = psuEstimates$
tempIC <- exportEstimationResultsToInterCatchFormat(dataToOutput)

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