This app has been deprecated. See the newer version of this app at Student Activity V2
This app was built to learn how to use PHP from scratch as backend language. It was a good learning experience and now I know it's easier to just use framework to speed up the development time. Another learning experience from this project is to use Angular.js with Typescript and create a build tools for that purpose.
Features in this app will be freezed and new features will only be added at the new version of this application - student activity v2. Please refer the new version to find out more about new feature.
- Students can rent a parking space
- View their seminar schedule
- Order result transcript from their institution.
This app was built to practice my Angular.js knowledge.
These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development and testing purposes.
Before you can run this app, you need several things installed.
Node.js with yarn installed.
1.1. Go through the official website to install Node.js.
1.2. Visit Yarn to install the binary.
1.3. If you have installed it then check whether it is properly installed using this command.
$ node -v $ yarn -v
2.1. Download Docker here and make sure to follow the guide, as it will install
too.2.2. If you go through the official guide of installation, then you probably have run the
example. But, if still in doubt whether Docker properly installed or not just run this command to check.$ docker --version $ docker-compose --version
Alright, here we go. Let's install our app and get started!
First step is to clone this project.
git clone my-project
Change directory to the cloned project.
cd /path/to/my-project
2.1. Install front end dependencies
2.2. Duplicate
file to.env
file.2.3. Start docker in background.
docker-compose up -d
Generate front end assets.
yarn production
- Visit domain that you have set up in the .env file.
To start development server and see how it run
yarn dev
The server will run on port 8008
. Open http://localhost:8008
on your browser.
Front End
- Angular.js
- Angular Material
- TypeScript
- Webpack
Back End
- Docker
- Nginx
- SQLite
- Sometimes there is problem saving data to SQLite due to permission issues. For the time being the workaround is to change the permission to 777.
- It may have to do with the owner of the files.
chmod 777 database/portal.db
- Separate HTTP call in component to service
- Upgrade ng-annotate-loader to babel-plugin-angularjs-annotate
- Simplify dev setup. Maybe just run docker compose up and everything is set up?
This project is licensed under the MIT License.