Customizeable Mastermind Game
python, version 3.7
pygame, version 2.0
change directory to the directory of this game and then type: python
(instead of python, type in the alias for python on your computer, this will depend on your OS)
1-8 keys to place pegs
space or enter to guess a row
backspace to undo a peg
escape to quit
-h or --help for help
-ww [VALUE] or --window-width [VALUE] for setting window width
-wh [VALUE] or --window-height [VALUE] for setting window height
-gs [VALUE] or --guess-size [VALUE] for setting the size of the combination to be guessed (default: 4, max: 8)
-an [VALUE] or --attempt-number [VALUE] for setting the number of attempts (default: 10, max: 20)
-on [VALUE] or --option-number [VALUE] for setting the number of different pegs (default: 4, max 8)
python -ww 1920 -wh 1080 -gs 8 -an 20 -on 8