Learn by building simple projects, using HTML, CSS, Vanilla JS.
It's recommended that you don't use any js framework or CSS preprocessor like scss or HTML template engine like pug,etc.
Use as minimal libraries as possible.
The goal is to be well versed with HTML, CSS, JavaScript and Browser APIs such as localStorage, IndexDB, etc.
The list of projects are given below -
- Day 01 - Password Generator
- Day 02 - Chrome Extension
- Day 03 - Smartwatch
- Day 04 - Weather App
- Day 05 - Todo App
- Day 06 - News App
- Day 07 - Drawing App
- Day 08 - Math Quiz Game
- Day 09 - Background Pattern Generator
- Day 10 - Speed Typing Test
- Day 11 - Spend Ambani's Money
- Day 12 - Every Second
- Day 13 - Car Avoidance Game
- Day 14 - Instagram Image Feed
- Day 15 - ColorSpark
- Day 16 - Notes App
- Day 17 - Music Player
- Day 18 - TicTacToe
- Day 19 - Simple Meme Generator
- Day 20 - Resume Builder
- Day 21 - Job Board
- Day 22 - Font Spark
- Day 23 - Avatar Maker
- Day 24 - Calculator
- Day 25 - Random Waves Generator
- Day 26 - Video Player
- Day 27 - Dictionary App
- Day 28 - Thumbnail Generator
- Day 29 - Search Engine - Use Bing API
- Day 30 - Wikipedia
Give a star if this project helped you!
MIT License Copyright (c) 2021 Saheb Giri. Official logo was created by Saheb Giri and distributed under Creative Commons license (CC BY-SA 4.0 International).