A web application that allows APDA american debate tournaments to correctly tab and manage their tournaments. You add the following information:
- Schools
- Debaters
- Teams
- Rooms
- Scratches
Then you can use this program to actually run your tournament, which means for each round you:
- Pair the round
- Assign judges to the round
- Let the debaters debate
- Enter in ballots
At the very end of the tournament you can view the ranking of all teams and all debaters such that you can pair your elimination rounds accordingly. Since elimination rounds as well as judge assignment for elimination rounds are much more up to particuar tournament directors, this program will not do that for you.
Currently the installation consists of downloading the code, installing requirements and then manually running the server. So:
git clone <mit-tab repo> mit-tab
cd mit-tab
virtualenv venv
source venv/bin/activate
pip install -r requirements.txt
python manage.py changepassword tab
# Type in the password you want to use while developing
python manage.py runserver
At this time it is recommended to run v2.0 (Django 1.6)
Do not attempt to run the django server in a production environment, you will be very sad. Instead checkout:
There are a few other tab programs available, many of them free, many of them decent, that can tabulate APDA style tournaments. The main differences between all of the other programs and this one are:
- This is an open source project that anyone can see and change
- The algorithm for tabulation is much better (minimum weight perfect matching), which means that your tab will be much more fair and as optimal as possible.
- The web interface means that you don't have to install any software locally
- The interface is generally pretty straight forward to use
- MIT-TAB has chosen simplicity over configurability in the general case, unlike a program like TRPC, MIT-TAB forces you to use standard tabbing practices so that tournament experiences are more uniform.
For file import, structure seperate .xlsx spreadsheets with columns as follows:
- Team's Name
- Team's School. If the team is a hybrid, use the school they're protected from
- Team Seed - "Full", "Half", "Free", or leave blank for Unseeded
- Debater 1 Name - If the team is an ironman, place the debater's info here
- Debater 1 Varsity/Novice - "Novice", "Nov", or "N", to mark debater as novice. Otherwise they will be marked as varsity
- Debater 1 Phone Number - can be blank
- Debater 1 Provider - can be blank
- Debater 2 Name - if ironman, leave blank
- Debater 2 Varsity/Novice
- Debater 2 Phone
- Debater 2 Provider
- Judge's Name
- Judge's Rank (Decimial Value from 0-100)
- Judge's Phone Number (can be blank)
- Judge's Provider (can be blank)
- Affiliated schools, one per column, using as many additional columns as needed
- Room Name
- Room Rank (Decimal Value from 0-100)
- The first row is assumed to be a header row - it will not be read