Cite as: Jennifer Shelton and Zachary Sliefert (2015). BNGCompare: Version 1.1. Zenodo. 10.5281/zenodo.17586 - Script outputs summary stats from a FASTA and an in silico CMAP (reference) of the same FASTA and a of a CMAP inferred from assembly of BioNano molecule maps (query) as well as a summary of an XMAP generated aligning the CMAPs.
perl [options]
Documentation options:
-help brief help message
-man full documentation
Required parameters:
-f genome FASTA
-q CMAP inferred from assembly of BioNano molecule maps (query)
-r in silico CMAP (reference)
-x XMAP generated aligning the CMAP
Optional parameters:
-o output filename
-help Print a brief help message and exits.
-man Prints the more detailed manual page with output details and
examples and exits.
-f, --input_fasta
The fullpath for the genome FASTA file.
-r, --ref
The fullpath for the in silico CMAP (reference) of the genome
-q, --que
The fullpath for the CMAP inferred from assembly of BioNano
molecule maps (query).
-x, --xmap
The fullpath for the XMAP generated by aligning the reference
and query CMAPs.
-o, --out
The fullpath for the in output comma separated values file.
Script outputs a CSV file with the file prefix "BNGCompare.csv" that includes
summary metrics for XMAP alignment's query map (e.g. where "total aligned
length" is the length of the aligned region for the query in silico genome
maps), the genome FASTA, in silico CMAP, and the in silico CMAP from FASTA file.
UPDATES Version 1.1
Added optional -o
output filename parameter