Beer Near You is an application to help users find decent beers in London. It uses data from Foursquare, London Datastore and Nominatim.
## Cool front-end stuff
- Able to use a device's location and orientation to provide live distance and direction.
- Draggable and swipey widgets for touch-enabled devices.
- Lots of performance enhancements for the browser.
- Ruby 2.1.0+
- PostgreSQL 9+
- Bundler
# Clone this Git repo
git clone && cd beer-near-you
# Add local environment configuration
cp .env.example .env && open .env
# Install application dependencies
bundle install --without=production
# Setup database and import London Underground station data
bundle exec rake db:setup stations:import
# Run the development server
bundle exec rails s
# Install application dependencies
bundle install --without=development
# Add example environment configuration
cp .env.example .env
# Set the environment to test
export RAILS_ENV=test
# Setup empty database
bundle exec rake db:create db:schema:load
# Run the specs
bundle exec rake spec