The great team at Robin released a better version of this here
There are some good notes here about caching styles but otherwise I'm supporting their implementation and will not update this most likely.
React Native component styling solved ๐
Define your react-native components with styles:
import glamorous from 'glamorous-native'
const Row = glamorous.view({
flexDirection: "row"
Note the lowercase usage above. Or, use like so with some style props:
<glamorous.View flexDirection="row" />
define your own glamor rules along side the styles:
const Centered = glamorous.view(
(props) => ({flexDirection: props.row ? "row" : "column"}),
justifyContent: "center",
alignItems: "center",
<Centered row/>
Unlike the web version, here we have to divide styles into cachable (static) styles and dynamic styles which typically would change on animations
Because of that, let's start by defining which are which. Here is what I am proposing
We need to be able to pass glamor rules(functions) that can be either handled dynamically or become cached. I'm suggesting adding an extra parameter to dynamic glamor rules but perhaps someone can think of something better.
const Row = glamorous.view(
flexDirection: "row"
(props) => ({
justifyContent: props.centered ? "center" : "flex-start"
(props, s) => {
const {top, right, bottom, left} = props
const isAbsolute = [top, right, bottom, left].filter(p => typeof p === "number").length > 0
return {
position: isAbsolute ? "absolute" : "relative",