update to 1.0.5
[bugfix] Fixed the lagging issue with Lookin, it's much faster now (hopefully).
[feature] Custom properties now support more types such as CGRect, CGPoint, JSON, and more. Details:https://bytedance.larkoffice.com/docx/TRridRXeUoErMTxs94bcnGchnlb
[feature] Allow user to increase the color contrast of Lookin's layer selection box, for clearer visibility.
[bugfix] 修复了 Lookin 的操作卡顿 Bug,现在快多了(应该吧)
[feature] 自定义属性支持了 CGRect、CGPoint、JSON 等更多类型,详情:https://bytedance.larkoffice.com/docx/TRridRXeUoErMTxs94bcnGchnlb
[feature] 允许在设置中增大 Lookin 图层选中框的颜色对比度,从而看得更清晰