This is an ancient turn-based strategy board game implemented with Spring Boot and Thymeleaf. I tried to follow Hexagonal architecture during development and developed with TDD.
GAME has 2 players and each of them have 6 small pits and 1 big pit on the board. Game starts with 6 stones on each of the small pits. We know a game is over when one of the players empties all stones in their small pits.
Within IntelliJ IDEA: Run the
class -
From the command line: Use
./mvnw spring-boot:run
(or Windows:mvnw spring-boot:run
In your browser, go to: http://localhost:8080/
- Draw logic
- Restart/New Game logic
- Store game state and front-end cookies to access the game, maybe ability to access game by game id
- Backend validations for illegal moves etc.