I am Harshit Sethi. I am a 18 year old, first semester bachelor student, self-taught AI, Data Enthusiast, Equity Trader, Technical Writer. Currently, I am working on improving my AI engineering skills, my website and on a project.
You can contact me at my email.
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Fingerprint: D921 11B3 4556 7FB6 9040 C648 2E58 3E92 BF75 68C1
Check out my 100% open source website for additional info, short autobiography, resume and my blogs on technology, finance, lifestyle, philosophy and related topics.
For more information regarding my finance journey, check out my free financial autobiography: From Coins To 25% In Equity At 18
In it I share how a coin, stationery collection hobby paved my way as an equity trader who made 25% in equity at the age of 18, on his own.