This plugin validates that the code base adheres to the roles and profiles workflow[1].
To use this plugin, add the following line to the Gemfile in your Puppet code
base and run bundle install
gem 'puppet-lint-roles-profiles'
--fix-support: No
Will raise a warning if a roles does anything other than include
Resource like class definitions will also raise an error.
WARNING: roles must only include profiles
What you did:
class role::foo {
class { 'ssh': }
class role::foo {
class { 'profile::ssh': }
What you should have done:
class role::foo {
include profile::ssh
--fix-support: No
Will raise a warning when a role has class parameters
Warning: roles must not have any parameters
--fix-support: No
Will raise a warning when a role inherits something other than a role
--fix-support: No
Will raise a warning when a node definition contains more than one role
(except comments).