Version 1.9.0
This release includes a large number of long awaited features, improvements and bug fixes, including streaming and graph support, binary transfer of bokeh data, fast Image/RGB regridding, first-class statistics elements and a complete overhaul of the geometry elements.
Particular thanks to all users and contributers who have reported issues and submitted pull requests.
- The kdim and vdim keyword arguments are now positional making the declaration of elements much less verbose (e.g.
Scatter(data, 'x', 'y'))
(#1946) - Added Graph, Nodes, and EdgePaths elements adding support for plotting network graphs (#1829)
- Added datashader-based regrid operation for fast Image and RGB regridding (#1773)
- Added support for binary transport when plotting with bokeh, providing huge speedups for dynamic plots, including those from datashader (#1894, #1896)
- Added Pipe and Buffer streams for streaming data support (#2011)
- Add support for datetime axes on Image and RGB, and when applying datashading and regridding operations (#2023)
- Added Distribution and Bivariate as first-class elements that can be plotted with matplotlib and bokeh without depending on seaborn, and thus now fully interactive in bokeh (#1985)
- Completely overhauled support for plotting geometries with Path, Contours and Polygons elements, including support for coloring individual segments and paths by value (#1991)
- Add support for adjoining all elements on matplotlib plots (#1033)
- Improved exception handling for data interfaces (#2041)
- Add groupby argument to histogram operation (#1725)
- Add support for reverse sort on Dataset elements (#1843)
- Added support for invert_x/yaxis on all elements (#1872, #1919)
- Fixed a bug in matplotlib causing the first frame in gif and mp4 getting stuck (#1922)
- Fixed various issues with support for new nested categorical axes in bokeh (#1933)
- A long list of other bug fixes, too many to list here.
Changes affecting backwards compatibility:
- The contours operation no longer overlays the contours on top of the supplied Image by default and returns a single Contours/Polygons rather than an NdOverlay of them (#1991)
- The values of the Distribution element should now be defined as a key dimension (#1985)
- The seaborn interface was removed in its entirety being replaced by first class support for statistics elements such as Distribution and Bivariate (#1985)
- Since kdims and vdims can now be passed as positional arguments the bounds argument on Image is no longer positional (#1946).
- The datashade and shade cmap was reverted back to the datashader default blue, due to confusing behavior of the fire cmap against a white background (#2078)
- Dropped all support for bokeh versions older than 0.12.10, which was not being tested and was making the code complex and error-prone
operation now returns Histogram elements with less generic value dimension and customizable label (#1836)