Issuer identification number checker which returns details about a credit/debit and other payment cards
- Wikipedia: ISO/IEC 7812 Standard
- Wikipedia: Rules arround bank cards numbers
- StackOverflow: RegEx for calculating brand
- Another NPM Card Module
The module is available in the NPM registery. It can be installed using the
commandline utlity.
npm install iin-checker
Once you have installed the module you can simply require inside of your Node.js application and use it's exported methods. Here is a simple example of that which gets the card details back as an object:
var IinChecker = require( 'iin-checker' );
// Initialise with default options no caching
var iin = new IinChecker( {} );
// Initialise with caching
var iin = new IinChecker( {
cache: {
set: function( iin, cardDetails ) {...},
get: function( iin ) {..}
} );
iin.lookup( '543210', function( err, result ) {
if ( err ) {
console.log( 'Error:', err );
} else {
console.log( 'Result:', result );
} );
Caching is turned off by default. It can be turned on by passing in options a cache object with your functions to set and get the cache'.
If you want to test to see if the card is a Credit or Debit card you can can achive this in the following way:
var IinChecker = require( 'iin-checker' );
var iin = new IinChecker( {} );
iin.lookup( '543210', function( err, result ) {
if ( err ) {
console.log( 'Error:', err );
} else {
var isDebit = ( result.type === iin.types.DEBIT )
console.log( 'Debit?:', isDebit );
} );
Possible values for iin.types are DEBIT, CREDIT and UNKNOWN.
If you want to test to see which brand the card is, you can can achive this in the following way:
var IinChecker = require( 'iin-checker' );
var iin = new IinChecker( {} );
iin.lookup( '543210', function( err, result ) {
if ( err ) {
console.log( 'Error:', err );
} else {
var isMastercard = ( result.brand === iin.brands.MASTERCARD )
console.log( 'Mastercard?:', isMastercard );
} );
Possible values for iin.brands are VISA, MASTERCARD, AMEX, DISCOVER, JCB, MAESTRO and LASER. In future more card brands will be supported, if you need a brand adding please raise an issue.
Copyright (c) 2016 Holiday Extras Ltd Licensed under the MIT license.
- Get non-provider RegEx alternative
- Read providers from configs (as the tests do)
- Allow preference of providers to be passed into options
- Support caching