Implemented a cryptocurrency following a simplified version of Bitcoin protocol.
Features including:
- Blockchain
- Distributed transaction ledger
- Block
- Previous block hash
- Merkle tree root
- Nonce
- Timestamp
- Transaction
- Signature (ECDSA)
- Multiple input and output
- Transaction fee
- Mining
- Hash-based Proof-of-Work system
- Difficulty
- Mempool (unconfirmed transactions)
- Coinbase transaction
- Wallet
- Address (hashed public key)
- Public key
- Private key
- Address (hashed public key)
- Concensus
- Block verification
- Transaction verification
- Peer-to-Peer Network
- Peers join and leave arbitrarily
- Periodically exchange neighbors
- Controlled message flooding
- Simulation
- Web UI
- Dashboard
- Parameter configurations
- Web UI
Defaults to 100 peers (80 traders and 10 miners), and each trader creates a transaction every 2~4 seconds.
To start the web UI simulator:
- Install dependencies with
mix deps.get
- Install Node.js dependencies with
cd assets && npm install
- Start Phoenix endpoint with
mix phx.server
Now you can visit localhost:4000
from your browser.
[info] Peer joined [id: 4548]
[info] Peer joined [id: 9809]
[info] Block mined [transaction count: 1]
[info] Block mined [transaction count: 59]
To run available tests:
mix test
To run tests with detailed reporting:
mix test --trace
To see test coverage:
mix test --cover