##About Actuarius## Actuarius is a Markdown Processor written in Scala using parser combinators.
The project homepage can be found on github: https://github.com/chenkelmann/actuarius
For detailled information, please consult the Actuarius Wiki: https://github.com/chenkelmann/actuarius/wiki
To browse the scaladoc online, go to: http://doc.henkelmann.eu/actuarius/index.html
To try Actuarius out, you can use the web dingus on my home page: http://henkelmann.eu/projects/actuarius/dingus (The web preview is currently broken but will be fixed (hopefully) soon.)
To get Actuarius, you can either check out the source from github, use maven/sbt to add it as a dependency (see below) or download the binary jar, javadoc jar or source jar directly from my maven repo at http://maven.henkelmann.eu/eu/henkelmann/
Actuarius is licensed under the 3-clause BSD license. For details see the LICENSE
file that comes with the source.
##Compatibility## Actuarius tries to stay as close to the original Markdown syntax definition as possible. There were however some quirks in the original Markdown I did not like. I wrote Actuarius as a Markdown processor for my homebrew blog engine, so I took the liberty to diverge slightly from the way the original Markdown works. The details are explained in the respective article in the Actuarius Wiki
The group id is eu.henkelmann
, the artifact id is actuarius_[scala-version]
, e.g.actuarius_2.9.2
. The current stable version is 0.2.4. The current development version is 0.2.5-SNAPSHOT.
Actuarius is available from the Sonatype OSS repository, so you should not have to add any repository definitions.
Starting with version 0.2.4 there are builds for Scala 2.9.2, 2.9.1, 2.9.0-1, 2.8.1, 2.8.2 (How I hate Scala's binary incompatibilities…)
To add the lib to your project, add the following to your .sbt
libraryDependencies += "eu.henkelmann" % "actuarius_2.9.2" % "0.2.4"
Currently, Actuarius itself is built using sbt 0.11.x
##Version History##
- artifacts are published via Sonatype OSS repository
- added support for scala 2.9.2
- switched to sbt 11.x as build system (thanks to David Pollack for the build file)
- added initial support for fenced code blocks (hint for programming language to format in is parsed but ignored)
- moved project to github
- added support for scala 2.9.1
- fixed bug that caused crashes when parsing windows line endings (CR LF)