This WireMock extension matches incoming requests whose body is JSON with JSON Schema.
Programmatically in Java, e.g.
new WireMockServer(
This extension accepts JSON Schema as the parameters.
When using the API, make sure to set the "name"
field of the customMatcher to "jsonschema-matcher"
Here's an example cURL command that creates a stub mapping with the request matcher:
curl -d@- http://wiremock:8079/__admin/mappings <<-EOD
"request" : {
"method" : "POST",
"url" : "/some_url",
"customMatcher" : {
"name" : "jsonschema-matcher",
"parameters" : {
"\$schema": "",
"type" : "object",
"properties" : {
"id" : {
"type": "integer"
"response" : {
"status" : 199,
"body": "success"
Example request that matches the above stub mapping:
curl -d@- -X POST http://wiremock:8080/some_url <<-EOD
"id" : 1
Run gradle jar
to build the JAR without WireMock.
These will be placed in lib/build/libs/