Rush v1.4.1 - Online Demo
Rush v1.5 - 01/11/2015
- In development
Rush v1.4.1 - 2015/10/17
- Use assets from CDN
- Upgrade theme to be compatible with Ghost 0.7
Rush v1.4 - 2014/01/28
- Change theme's name to Rush.
- Fix many bugs.
- Remove redundant files.
- Rush is now fully compatible with Ghost 0.4.
- Update theme's structure.
Rush v1.3 - 2013/11/05
- Using Modernizr to check browser support HTML5 and CSS3 features
- Fix bugs
Rush v1.2 - 2013/10/25
- Infinite Scrolling
- Auto get first image or video at index
- Fix some bugs
- Next Post and Prev Post keyboard shortcut (Left and Right)
Rush v1.0 - 2013/10/23
- First public
- Post Mood and Weather (for fun)
- Auto change background
- Support emoticons in post content
- Code syntax highlighting
- Disqus is integrated
- Google Analytics is integrated
- Get post thumbnail from first image in post
- Modern slide menu
- Update assets.
- Reconstruct theme.
- Compatibility with Ghost v0.7
You can buy it from Gumroad - More than 60 copies sold.