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The Pillar2 stubs service provides stubs for the GRS systems to mock the responses.

Running the service locally

To compile the project:

sbt clean update compile

To check code coverage:

sbt scalafmt test:scalafmt it:test::scalafmt coverage test it/test coverageReport

Integration and unit tests

To run the unit tests within the project:

sbt test

Starting the server in local

sbt run

By default, the service runs locally on port 10052

To use test-only route locally, run the below:

sbt 'run -Dplay.http.router=testOnlyDoNotUseInAppConf.Routes 10052'

Using Service Manager

You can use service manager to provide necessary assets to the pillar2 backend. PILLAR2_ALL service is responsible for starting up all the services required by the tax credits service project.

This can be started by running the below in a new terminal:

sm2 --start PILLAR2_ALL

Using sbt

For local development, use sbt run but if it is already running in sm2, execute below command to stop the service before running sbt commands.

sm2 --stop PILLAR_2_STUBS

This is an authenticated service, so users first need to be authenticated via GG in order to use the service.

Navigate to http://localhost:9949/auth-login-stub/gg-sign-in which redirects to auth-login-stub page.

Make sure to fill in the fields as below:

Redirect URL: http://localhost:10050/report-pillar2-top-up-taxes

Affinity Group: Organisation


POST /registration/02.00.00/organisation 

Creates a Registration request without passing ID

Happy Path:

To trigger the happy path, ensure you provide a valid request body

        "regime": "PLR",
        "acknowledgementReference": "d31186c7412e4823897ecc7ee339545c",
        "isAnAgent": false,
        "isAGroup": true,
        "organisation": {
        "organisationName": "Stark Corp"
        "address": {
        "addressLine1": "100",
        "addressLine3": "Newyork",
        "postalCode": "10052",
        "countryCode": "US"
        "contactDetails": {
        "emailAddress": "[email protected]"

Response status: 200

Response body: N/A

Unhappy Path:

To trigger the unhappy paths, ensure you provide a valid request body.
The below error responses can be expected:

HTTP 500 Internal Server Error

        "errorDetail": {
        "timestamp": "2016-08-23T18:15:41Z",
        "correlationId": "c182e731-2386-4359-8ee6-f911d6e5f4bc",
        "errorCode": "500",
        "errorMessage": "Internal error",
        "source": "Internal Server error"

Response status: 500

Response body: N/A

HTTP 400 Bad Request Error

        "errorDetail": {
        "timestamp" : "2023-02-14T12:58:44Z",
        "correlationId": "c182e731-2386-4359-8ee6-f911d6e5f4bc",
        "errorCode": "400",
        "errorMessage": "Invalid ID",
        "source": "Back End",
        "001 - Invalid Regime"

Response status: 400

Response body: N/A

HTTP 503 Service Unavailable Error

        "errorDetail": {
        "timestamp": "2016-08-23T18:15:41Z",
        "correlationId": "",
        "errorCode": "503",
        "errorMessage": "Send timeout",
        "source": "Back End",
        "sourceFaultDetail": {
        "detail": ["101504 - Timeout "]

Response status: 503

Response body: N/A

HTTP 503 Request Could not be processed Error

        "errorDetail": {
        "source": "Back End",
        "timestamp": "2020-11-11T13:19:52.307Z",
        "errorMessage": "Request could not be processed",
        "errorCode": "503",
        "correlationId": "c182e731-2386-4359-8ee6-f911d6e5f4bc",
        "sourceFaultDetail": {
        "detail": [
        "001 - Request Cannot be processed"

Response status: 503

Response body: N/A

HTTP 404 Record Not Found Error

        "errorDetail": {
        "source": "Back End",
        "timestamp": "2020-11-23T13:19:52.307Z",
        "errorMessage": "Record not found",
        "errorCode": "404",
        "correlationId": "36147652-e594-94a4-a229-23f28e20e841",
        "sourceFaultDetail": {
        "detail": [
        "Detail cannot be found"

Response status: 404

Response body: N/A

POST /pillar2/subscription

Creates a Subscription request

Happy Path:

To trigger the happy path, ensure you provide a valid request body

        "upeDetails": {
        "safeId": "XE6666666666666",
        "organisationName": "Stark Corp",
        "registrationDate": "2023-12-08",
        "domesticOnly": false,
        "filingMember": true
        "accountingPeriod": {
        "startDate": "2024-01-01",
        "endDate": "2025-01-01"
        "upeCorrespAddressDetails": {
        "addressLine1": "100",
        "addressLine3": "Newyork",
        "postCode": "10052",
        "countryCode": "US"
        "primaryContactDetails": {
        "name": "Tony Stark",
        "emailAddress": "[email protected]"

Response status: 200

Response body: N/A

Unhappy Path:

To trigger the unhappy paths, ensure you provide a valid request body.
The below error responses can be expected:

HTTP 409 Duplicate Submission Error

        "errorDetail": {
        "timestamp" : "2023-03-11T08:20:44Z",
        "correlationId": "c182e731-2386-4359-8ee6-f911d6e5f4bc",
        "errorCode": "409",
        "errorMessage": "Duplicate submission",
        "source": "Back End",
        "sourceFaultDetail": {
        "detail": [
        "Duplicate submission"

Response status: 409

Response body: N/A

HTTP 503 Service Unavailable Error

        "errorDetail": {
        "timestamp": "2016-08-23T18:15:41Z",
        "correlationId": "",
        "errorCode": "503",
        "errorMessage": "Send timeout",
        "source": "Back End",
        "sourceFaultDetail": {
        "detail": ["101504 - Timeout "]

Response status: 503

Response body: N/A

HTTP 404 Record Not Found Error

        "errorDetail": {
        "source": "Back End",
        "timestamp": "2020-11-23T13:19:52.307Z",
        "errorMessage": "Record not found",
        "errorCode": "404",
        "correlationId": "36147652-e594-94a4-a229-23f28e20e841",
        "sourceFaultDetail": {
        "detail": [
        "Detail cannot be found"

Response status: 404

Response body: N/A

GET /pillar2/subscription/:plrReference

Retrieves the Subscription details for the specific plrReference

plrReference Status Code Status Description
XEPLR0123456400 400 BAD_REQUEST Submission has not passed validation. Invalid plrReference.
XEPLR0123456404 404 NOT_FOUND Submission has not passed validation. Record not found.
XEPLR0123456422 422 CANNOT_COMPLETE_REQUEST Request could not be completed because the subscription is being created or amended.
XEPLR0123456500 500 INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR Internal Server error.
XEPLR0123456503 503 SERVICE_UNAVAILABLE Dependent systems are currently not responding.
XEPLR5555555555 200 OK Returns read success response with accountStatus.inactive set to true.
XEPLR6666666666 200 OK Returns read success response with upe registration year of 2011.
XEPLR1066196600 200 OK Returns read success response with domesticOnly set to true.
XEPLR__________ 200 OK Returns read success response .

Happy Path:

To trigger the happy path, ensure you provide a valid plrReference

The below is the expected success response:

Response status: 200

Response body:

        "success": {
        "plrReference": "[pillar2Reference]",
        "processingDate": "2010-12-12",
        "formBundleNumber": "119000004320",
        "upeDetails": {
        "domesticOnly": false,
        "organisationName": "International Organisation Inc.",
        "customerIdentification1": "12345678",
        "customerIdentification2": "12345678",
        "registrationDate": "2022-01-31",
        "filingMember": false
        "upeCorrespAddressDetails": {
        "addressLine1": "1 High Street",
        "addressLine2": "Egham",
        "addressLine3": "Surrey",
        "postCode": "HP13 6TT",
        "countryCode": "GB"
        "primaryContactDetails": {
        "name": "Fred Flintstone",
        "telepphone": "0115 9700 700",
        "emailAddress": "[email protected]"
        "secondaryContactDetails": {
        "name": "Donald Trump",
        "telepphone": "0115 9700 700",
        "emailAddress": "[email protected]"
        "filingMemberDetails": {
        "safeId": "XL6967739016188",
        "organisationName": "Domestic Operations Ltd",
        "customerIdentification1": "1234Z678",
        "customerIdentification2": "1234567Y"
        "accountingPeriod": {
        "startDate": "2024-01-06",
        "endDate": "2025-04-06",
        "duetDate": "2024-04-06"
        "accountStatus": {
        "inactive": true

Unhappy Path:

To trigger the unhappy paths, ensure you provide a valid request body. The below error responses can be expected:

HTTP 500 Internal Server Error

        "errorDetail": {
        "timestamp": "2016-08-23T18:15:41Z",
        "correlationId": "c182e731-2386-4359-8ee6-f911d6e5f4bc",
        "errorCode": "500",
        "errorMessage": "Internal error",
        "source": "Internal Server error"

Response status: 500

Response body: N/A

HTTP 400 Bad Request Error

        "errorDetail": {
        "timestamp" : "2023-02-14T12:58:44Z",
        "correlationId": "c182e731-2386-4359-8ee6-f911d6e5f4bc",
        "errorCode": "400",
        "errorMessage": "Invalid ID",
        "source": "Back End",
        "001 - Invalid Regime"

Response status: 400

Response body: N/A

HTTP 503 Service Unavailable Error

        "errorDetail": {
        "timestamp": "2016-08-23T18:15:41Z",
        "correlationId": "",
        "errorCode": "503",
        "errorMessage": "Send timeout",
        "source": "Back End",
        "sourceFaultDetail": {
        "detail": ["101504 - Timeout "]

Response status: 503

Response body: N/A

HTTP 503 Request Could not be processed Error

        "errorDetail": {
        "source": "Back End",
        "timestamp": "2020-11-11T13:19:52.307Z",
        "errorMessage": "Request could not be processed",
        "errorCode": "503",
        "correlationId": "c182e731-2386-4359-8ee6-f911d6e5f4bc",
        "sourceFaultDetail": {
        "detail": [
        "001 - Request Cannot be processed"

Response status: 503

Response body: N/A

HTTP 404 Record Not Found Error

        "errorDetail": {
        "source": "Back End",
        "timestamp": "2020-11-23T13:19:52.307Z",
        "errorMessage": "Record not found",
        "errorCode": "404",
        "correlationId": "36147652-e594-94a4-a229-23f28e20e841",
        "sourceFaultDetail": {
        "detail": [
        "Detail cannot be found"

Response status: 404

Response body: N/A

GET /enrolment-store-proxy/enrolment-store/enrolments/:serviceName/groups

Retrieves the Enrolment Store Response with and without groupId

Happy Path:

To trigger the happy path, ensure you provide a valid plrReference

The below is the expected success response:

Enrolment Store Response with groupID

Response status: 200

Response body:

        "principalGroupIds": [
        "delegatedGroupIds": [

Enrolment Store Response without groupID

Response status: 200

Response body: {}

Unhappy Path:

Response status: use - XEPLR0444444400

Response body: NoContent

BARS Business account test data

Sort code Account number Company Name Valid Error Returned
206705 86473611 Epic Adventure Inc Yes Successful Response
"Epic Adventure Inc" returns nameMatches = Yes
"Foo" returns nameMatches = No
"Epic" returns nameMatches = Partial
206705 86563612 Sanguine Skincare Yes accountNumberIsWellFormatted = No
206705 76523611 Vortex Solar Yes accountExists = No
206705 56523611 Innovation Arch Yes accountExists = inapplicable
206705 56945688 Eco Focus Yes accountExists = indeterminate
207102 86473611 Flux Water Gear Yes accountExists = error
207102 86563611 Lambent Illumination Yes nameMatches = No
207102 76523611 Boneféte Fun Yes nameMatches = inapplicable
207102 56523611 Cogent-Data Yes nameMatches = indeterminate
207102 74597611 Cipher Publishing Yes nameMatches = error
207106 86473611 Security Engima Yes sortCodeIsPresentOnEISCD = no
207106 86563611 Megacorp Yes sortCodeIsPresentOnEISCD = error
207106 76523611 Genomics Inc Yes nonStandardAccountDetailsRequiredForBacs = Yes
207106 56523611 Full Force Futures Yes sortCodeSupportsDirectCredit = error
207106 74597611 Resource Refresh Yes sortCodeIsPresentOnEISCD = No, nameMatches = No, accountExists = No
609593 96863604 O'Connor Construction Yes accountNumberIsWellFormatted = indeterminate, but accountExists = Yes
609593 96113600 Candyland Consulting Yes accountNumberIsWellFormatted = indeterminate, but accountExists = No

Financial Data - Get Financial Test Data

idNumber (PLR Reference Number) Response Returned
XEPLR4000000000 INVALID_IDNUMBER Error Response
XEPLR4040000000 NOT_FOUND Error Response
XEPLR5000000000 SERVER_ERROR Error Response
XEPLR5030000000 SERVICE_UNAVAILABLE Error Response
XMPLR0000000(Last three digits are the number of transactions displayed) For example
- XMPLR0000000022 will display 22 transactions 12 refund and 12 payments.
- XMPLR0000000122 will display 122 transactions 61 refunds and 61 payments
Please note
- Use even numbers since 13 will default to 6 refund and 6 payment
- All returned values are randomised so figures won't be consistent
Please note a user must be able to see only last 7 years of transactions on their account, to test read note below
Any valid ID Will return 10 transactions these values are consistent
XEPLR5555551111 Will return success response with registration date set to the current date

Test last seven years of transactions

As it currently stands the end date is always set to today's date, this means that it will generate transactions from the registration date to today's date.
In the stubs the registration date is always 2024-01-31 therefore to override this date you need to override the config value set in the pillar2-frontend service.
Example: sbt "-Dapplication.router=testOnlyDoNotUseInAppConf.Routes" "-Dfeatures.transactionHistoryEndDate=2044-01-31" run
This will set the end date to 2044-01-31 and generate transactions from 2037-01-31 to 2044-01-31. The last seven years. Worth noting this won't happen in any other environment apart unless you override the config.

Get Obligation - Get Obligation Test Data

For now this API has not been developed by ETMP therefore we are making assumptions in order to provide test data and satisfy the requirements of the frontend.

idNumber (PLR Reference Number) Response Returned
XEPLR1000000000 Obligation with Fulfilled status
XEPLR4040000000 NOT_FOUND Error Response
Any valid ID Will return a response with Open status

Post Liability

Liability Detail Submission

This endpoint allows submission of liability details based on a provided idNumber (PLR Reference Number). There are two main types of submissions supported: • Liability Submission: A detailed submission of liability amounts. • Nil Return Submission: A minimal submission indicating no liability for the period.

Request Types and Expected Payloads

Liability Submission

A valid liability submission includes details about the total liabilities and entities liable for the tax period. Here’s the expected structure for a successful liability submission:

  "accountingPeriodFrom": "2024-08-14",
  "accountingPeriodTo": "2024-12-14",
  "qualifyingGroup": true,
  "obligationDTT": true,
  "obligationMTT": true,
  "electionUKGAAP": true,
  "liabilities": {
    "totalLiability": 10000.99,
    "totalLiabilityDTT": 5000.99,
    "totalLiabilityIIR": 4000,
    "totalLiabilityUTPR": 10000.99,
    "liableEntities": [
        "ukChargeableEntityName": "Newco PLC",
        "idType": "CRN",
        "idValue": "12345678",
        "amountOwedDTT": 5000,
        "electedDTT": true,
        "amountOwedIIR": 3400,
        "amountOwedUTPR": 6000.5,
        "electedUTPR": true

Nil Return Submission

A Nil Return submission is used when there is no liability for the specified period. The returnType field in liabilities should be set to "NIL_RETURN":

  "accountingPeriodFrom": "2024-08-14",
  "accountingPeriodTo": "2024-09-14",
  "qualifyingGroup": true,
  "obligationDTT": true,
  "obligationMTT": true,
  "electionUKGAAP": true,
  "liabilities": {
    "returnType": "NIL_RETURN"

Response Codes and Conditions

Status Description
201 CREATED Success response for a valid liability or Nil Return submission when idNumber is correct.
400 BAD_REQUEST Submission did not pass validation (e.g., invalid JSON format or required fields missing).
400 BAD_REQUEST Non-JSON data received, expecting a valid JSON object.
404 NOT_FOUND No liabilities found for the provided idNumber (PLR Reference Number is incorrect).

Examples of Invalid Requests

Invalid JSON

A request with invalid JSON syntax will return a 400 BAD_REQUEST response:

    "accountingPeriod": "2024-08-1",
    "accountingPeriod": "2024-12-14"

Non-JSON Body

If a non-JSON body is submitted, a 400 BAD_REQUEST response will be returned:

        This is not a JSON body

Details of Expected Fields

•	idNumber (PLR Reference Number): Only the idNumber “XTC01234123412” will result in a successful 201 CREATED response.
•	Valid idNumber: Returns 201 CREATED with the liability success details for valid liability submissions.
•	Invalid idNumber: Returns 404 NOT_FOUND, indicating no matching liability data for other idNumbers.
•	Liability Fields: In a liability submission, totalLiability, totalLiabilityDTT, totalLiabilityIIR, and totalLiabilityUTPR are expected fields. Additionally, liableEntities should be a non-empty array.
•	Nil Return Field: In a Nil Return submission, liabilities.returnType should be "NIL_RETURN", indicating no liability.

Response Examples

Successful Liability Submission Response

If the idNumber is valid and the payload is correct, a 201 CREATED response will be returned with liability details: { "success": { "processingDate": "2024-08-14T09:26:17Z", "formBundleNumber": "119000004320", "chargeReference": "XTC01234123412" } }

Successful Nil Return Response

If the idNumber is valid and the payload indicates a Nil Return, a 201 CREATED response will be returned with the Nil Return details: { "success": { "processingDate": "2024-08-14T09:26:17Z", "message": "Nil return received and processed successfully" } }

Below Threshold Notification

This endpoint allows submission of a below threshold notification, which defines an organisation as earning below the threshold that makes them eligible for submitting pillar2 UKTR.

For this API, the payload is rather simple, so responses are limited in their scope

Pillar2Id Response Returned
XEPLR4000000000 BadRequest response
XEPLR5000000000 InternalServerError response
Any valid ID Successful response


This code is open source software licensed under the Apache 2.0 License.