The CBCR Service responsible for interacting with the Country-By-Country-Reporting Domain and interfacing with relevant HODS.
All endpoints are auth protected and for private use within the CBCR Domain.
URI | Http Method | Description | Json | Statuses |
/file-upload-response | POST | Create a new FileUpload Response | UploadFileResponse | 200,400,500 |
/file-upload-response/:envelopeId | GET | Returns an existing FileUpload response by its EnvelopeId | UploadFileResponse | 200,204,401 |
/subscription-data | POST | Create a nw SubscriptionData Entity | SubscriptionDetails | 200,400,401,500 |
/subscription-data/:cbcid | PUT | Update an existing SubscriptionData Entiy by CBCid | SubscriptionDetails | 200,400,401,500 |
/subscription-data/cbc-id/:cbcid | GET | Returns an existing SubscriptionData by CBCid | SubscriptionDetails | 200,401,404 |
/subscription-data/utr/:utr | GET | Returns an existing SubscriptionData by Utr | SubscriptionDetails | 200,401,404 |
/subscription-data/:cbcid | DELETE | Delete an existing SubscriptionData by CBCid | 200,401,404,500,501 | |
/business-partner-record/:utr | GET | Returns an existing BusinessPartnerRecord by Utr | BusinessPartnerRecord | 200,401,404,500 |
/subscription | POST | Create a new Subscription | SubscriptionDetails | 200,401,400,500 |
/subscription/:safeId | GET | Return an existing Subscription | SubscriptionDetails | 200,401,404,500 |
/subscription/:safeId | PUT | Update an existing Subscritpion | SubscriptionDetails | 200,401,400,500 |
/message-ref-id/:id | PUT | Update an existing MessageRefId Entity | MessageRefId | 200,401,500 |
/message-ref-id/:id | GET | Return an existing MessageRefId Entity | MessageRefId | 200,401,404 |
/doc-ref-id/:id | PUT | Update a DocRefId Entity | DocRefID | 200,401,409,500 |
/doc-ref-id/:id | DELETE | Delete a DocRefId Entity - if enabled in config | DocRefID | 200,400,500,501 |
/doc-ref-id/:id | GET | Return an existing DocRefId Entity | DocRefID | 200,401,404,409 |
/corr-doc-ref-id/:cid/:id | PUT | Update an existing CorrDocRefId Entity | 200,400,401,404,500 | |
/reporting-entity/:id | GET | Return an existing ReportingEntity | ReportingEntityData | 200,401,404,500 |
/reporting-entity | POST | Create a ReportingEntity | ReportingEntityData | 200,401,400,500 |
/reporting-entity | PUT | Update an existing ReportingEntity | ReportingEntityData | 200,401,400 |
POST | Create a new CBCR email | 202,400,401 |
We use a subset of the standard Http Response Codes:
Code | Description |
200 | Ok |
202 | Accepted |
204 | No Content |
400 | Bad Request |
401 | Unauthorized |
404 | Not Found |
409 | Conflict |
500 | Internal Server Error |
"envelopeId": "df09bb9b-b0b2-4a8a-9576-8ecd2fedc602",
"fileId": "f858bb69-6e01-44a2-aeb2-51c660f2d4c0",
"status": "AVAILABLE",
"reason": "foo"
"businessPartnerRecord": {
"safeId": "X1234567788",
"organisation": {
"organisationName": "Foo Ltd"
"address": {
"addressLine1": "1 The Street",
"countryCode": "GB"
"subscriberContact": {
"firstName": "Joesph",
"lastName": "Blogger",
"phoneNumber": "123456",
"email": "[email protected]"
"cbcId": "XTCBC0100000001",
"utr": "7000000002"
"safeId": "X1234567788",
"organisation": {
"organisationName": "Foo Ltd"
"address": {
"addressLine1": "1 The Street",
"countryCode": "GB"
"messageRefId": "GB2016RGXBCBC0100100000CBC40120170311T090000X"
"id": "GB2016RGXBCBC0100100000CBC40120170311T090000X_5000000020OECD1ENT"
"cbcReportsDRI": [
"additionalInfoDRI": "GB2016RGXVCBC0000000056CBC40120170311T090000X_7000000002OECD1REP",
"reportingEntityDRI": "GB2016RGXVCBC0000000056CBC40120170311T090000X_7000000002OECD1REP",
"tin": "90000000001",
"ultimateParentEntity": "Foo Corp",
"reportingRole": "CBC701"
Use default JVM settings.
sbt 'run -Dapplication.router=testOnlyDoNotUseInAppConf.Routes'
This code is open source software licensed under the Apache 2.0 License