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Template for creating a new iOS library.

Swift Swift Package Manager compatible CocoaPods compatible License Build


Create a New Library From Template

  • Create a new repo from this template library
  • Customize GitHub repo settings
  • Rename the Xcode project using (stackoverflow/60984691/3777116)
    • Rename folders under the Sources/ directory
    • Re-configure Xcode project with new filepaths
    • Confirm project is compiling and tests are green ✅
      • Compilation error gotchas: Ensure Tests files are in the Test target; ensure .h file is Public under Build Phases > Headers
  • Update Xcode settings, updating:
    • iOS minimum
    • Bundle identifier
  • Rename CocoaPods .podpsec file
  • Update references to LibraryTemplate in the following configs:
    • CI (.github/workflows/build.yml)
    • Swift Package Manager manifest (Package.swift file)
    • CocoaPods podspec
  • Review spec details closely and replace all details, including but not limited to:
    • iOS minimum
    • Git source
  • Update Demo project
    • Rename Xcode project
    • Update Swift package source
    • Update Podfile
    • Test that SPM integration and CocoaPods integration work
  • Update documentation
    • Customize the file header by modifying X.xcodeproj/xcshareddata/IDETemplateMacros.plist (e.g. add ___FULLUSERNAME___ to include name in headers)
    • Update the LICENSE file with your name and the current year
    • Fill out README
      • Update title, description, and badge links
        • To determine Swift version, run /Applications/ --version
      • Remove instructions
      • Customize Usage, Installation, Credits, License
    • Fill out CHANGELOG
    • Update GitHub repo details
  • Ensure CI is green ✅

Now you're all set to develop your library, tests and demo project!

How This Repo Was Originally Created

In case you'd rather create your setup from scratch:

  • Create new Xcode project LibraryTemplate (using Xcode 13.0 at time of writing)
    • Select *Framework for project type
    • Select Swift for language
    • Check Include Tests and de-select Include Docs
  • Update library Xcode settings
    • Select iOS Minimum (set to 14.0 at time of writing)
    • Remove Team
  • Move Xcode files to root of repo and re-add files back to Xcode
  • Create custom file header under X.xcodeproj/xcshareddata/IDETemplateMacros.plist
  • Create Swift Package Manager manifest
  • Create CocoaPods podspec
  • Create Demo project and validate both specs integrate
  • Setup CI


Swift Package Manager

Point to the most recent release or to the main branch for the very latest.


pod 'LibraryTemplate', :git => '', :tag => 'x.x.x'
pod 'LibraryTemplate', :git => '', :branch => 'main'


LibraryTemplate was created by Harlan Kellaway.


LibraryTemplate is available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.