One God, One Way, One Flow
OneFlux is a framework that structures applications by providing
- Abstract components - that communicate through events in a hierarchical way
- Modules / services - that communicate via an Event Bus
- Injection Dependencies Simple
npm install
gulp --task build-kernel
gulp --task test-kernel
var CaseManager = function (options) {
this.config = {};
OneFlux.registerFactory("@CaseManager", CaseManager);
## Usage
var CaseManager = OneFlux.instantiateFactory("@CaseManager", {});
## Usage
var CaseManager = OneFlux.instantiateFactory("@CaseManager", {});
OneFlux.service("CaseManager", CaseManager);
## A service is used in DI
var FormManager = function (EventBus, options) {
this.config = {};
this.eventBus = EventBus
## EventBus is a service in framework & is used as DI
For more Information about Event Bus see postal js