📚 Welcome to Vocaday, your go-to English vocabulary learning app! 🌟
Vocaday is designed to make your English vocabulary learning experience effective and enjoyable. Whether you're a beginner or looking to enhance your language skills, Vocaday has got you covered.
To quickly view the user interface: link
file forAndroid
👉 Download Latest Release APK -
Download from
Google Play Store
Here's a simple folder structure of this project.
Note: it may has more folders and files in there
Click to expand
|-- assets/ # includes all asset or resource files
|-- lib/
| |-- app/ # main 'things' in the app, will be changed dynamically
| |-- core/ # core interface or other base things
| |-- config/ # configs for the whole app
| |-- features/ # the main features in the app, it should be independent on each other
| | |-- feature-1/
| | | |-- data/
| | | | |-- data_sources/ # local or remote data call
| | | | |-- models/ # model for mapping json data
| | | | |-- repositories/ # implement interface of repositories in 'domain'
| | | |-- domain/
| | | | |-- repositories/ # main function to handle result from 'data_source' and catch Exception then throw Failure
| | | | |-- entities/ # entity that be used in the app
| | | | |-- usecases/ # the usecase for each requirements
| | | |-- presentation/
| | | | |-- blocs/ # state management
| | | | |-- pages/ # includes concrete screen of this feature
| | | | |-- widgets/ # includes local widget of this feature
| | |-- feature-2/
| | |-- ...
| |-- app.dart # whole app endpoint, for setup
| | ...
| |-- main.dart
|-- test/ # to test (currently unit test)
|-- pubspec.yaml
Here's some sources for assets
English Dictionary Datafonts
Google Fonts - Robotoicons
Icons from Lunacyjsons
created with the support of i18n Manager
Get started with Vocaday by following these simple steps:
Install FlutterFire CLI & Firebase:
Install FlutterFire CLI
Add Firebase to your Flutter app via this link
Clean and Get Dependencies:
flutter clean flutter pub get
Run the App:
flutter run
(Optional) to build
file:flutter build apk
Generate debug.keystore
keytool -genkey -v -keystore "android\app\debug.keystore" -storepass android -keypass android -keyalg RSA -keysize 2048 -validity 10000 -alias androiddebugkey -dname "CN=Android Debug,O=Android,C=US"
Get SHA-1
or SHA-256
keytool -list -v -keystore "android\app\debug.keystore" -alias androiddebugkey -storepass android -keypass android
If Google Sign In did not work, try to run these commands:
cd android
./gradlew signingReport
Then use the SHA-1/SHA-256
with tag 'Config: debug' to update fingerprints on your Firebase project.
If you make any changes from any translation files. To update the new changes, run those commands below in order:
Generate Loader class:
dart run easy_localization:generate -S "assets/translations" -O "lib/app/translations"
Generate Keys class:
dart run easy_localization:generate -S "assets/translations" -O "lib/app/translations" -o "locale_keys.g.dart" -f keys -u true
For detailed information, refer to the easy_localization documentation.
Arguments Short Default Description --help -h Help info --source-dir -S resources/langs Folder containing localization files --source-file -s First file File to use for localization --output-dir -O lib/generated Output folder stores for the generated file --output-file -o codegen_loader.g.dart Output file name --format -f json Support json or keys formats --[no-]skip-unnecessary-keys -u false Ignores keys defining nested object except for plural(), gender() keywords
If you add any files to the
folder, then you would need to add its path to the generated class (to avoid hard-code), run those commands below in order:Activate flutter_gen (only once):
dart pub global activate flutter_gen
Run build_runner:
dart run build_runner build --delete-conflicting-outputs
Generate Assets:
fluttergen -c pubspec.yaml
Q: How to fix "Gradle sync failed: Could not create task..." error when opening project with Android Studio?
A: Delete .gradle & .build folders inside android folder, then run those command below in order:
flutter clean flutter pub get
Right-click on the
folder and selectOpen in Android Studio
.flutter clean flutter pub cache repair
After that, select
->Invalidate Caches...
-> ✓ Check all ->Invalidate and Restart
Vocaday currently offers a clean and intuitive user interface with these main pages:
- Main Page (Home, Activity, Search):
- Learning Page (Quiz, Puzzle, Flashcard):
- Word Page (Detail, Wordbag, Setting):