Estimation module for URDF with multiple IMUs
For detailed information on dependent packages, it may be helpful to refer to the docker/Dockerfile
cd urdf_estimation_with_imus
pip3 install -r pypkg/requirements.txt
pip3 install -e pypkg/
After installing our python package, then
cd ~/catkin_ws/src
catkin build urdf_estimation_with_imus
- On the terminal window 1,
- On the terminal window 2,
roslaunch urdf_estimation_with_imus twoimus.launch # you can shutdown this immediately
roslaunch urdf_estimation_with_imus imu_preproc.launch
NOTE: twoimus.launch
supplies rosparam /symbolic_robot_description
- On the terminal window 3,
rosbag play -r 3.0 ./bags/sample/twoimus_200mm_for_calibration.bag
NOTE: The calibration process takes a few minutes. You can use -r option of rosbag for quick calibration.
- On the terminal window 4,
rosrun urdf_estimation_with_imus --this imu0 --child imu1
NOTE: This is the estimator of relative pose of imu1 with respect to imu0.
- On the terminal window 5,
rosrun urdf_estimation_with_imus --this imu0 --child imu1
NOTE: This is the visualizer of estimation results.
- On the terminal window 6,
rosbag play ./bags/sample/twoimus_200mm_sample.bag
NOTE: The groundtruth of relative pose is as follows:
- true position:
[-0.200, 0., 0.]
- true rotation(wxyz):
[1., 0., 0., 0.]
or[-1., 0., 0., 0.]
When you perform these steps, you will see the following results in terminal 4:
position : [-0.19706455 0.00316656 -0.00375119]
rotation(wxyz): [ 9.99877238e-01 -9.64530793e-04 -7.83922661e-03 -1.35323849e-02]
- mount the host package and build it in the container
- this is useful for debugging on the host
cd docker
docker-compose up --build --force-recreate debug
docker exec -it urdfestim_debug bash
- clone the package directly from github and build it in the container
- this is useful for validation of our paper's method.
cd docker
docker-compose up --build --force-recreate test
docker exec -it urdfestim_test bash