This is openFrameworks addon for generating GUI file. It GUI file is only able to be opened and controled via Max (Cycling 74).
Dec, 2018
- OSX 10.12
- Windows 10
- openFrameworks 0.10.1
- Max 7
- ofxOsc : default openFrameworks addon
- ofxJson :
- Max patch can synclonize parameters with ofApp. But ofApp can not.
- Number box object does not sync with slider object.
After you generate Max patch, you only need setup() and update() to communicate with Max.
Do not use special characters for "name" parameter of GUI parts as as it is used for OSC address. Charactors of space, conmma, #, *, /, ?, [, ], {, } are not allowed.
addToggle("my toggle", 10, 10);
addToggle("my_toggle", 10, 10);
Max patch remain open if you don’t close manually. These remained, old max patch keep sending osc message to your new ofApp. Don’t forget to close previous patch. close() function does not work now.
ofxMaxGui load sub patches (sToggle.maxpat, sInt.maxpat, etc) for bpatcher objects of main GUI patch. Recommend to move to Max search path directory. Otherwise you must copy it every time when you start new projects.
Nice to send string value to ofApp. Store callback? or just string pointer? We should handle user push event. But if so, why no callback for another GUI parts(int/float/toggle/color). This is not difficult but want to keep small addon. Decide after I start using this addon.
Does not work now. Send close request to Max via OSC?
We can not copy Poco::priorityEvent (copy constructor and =operator are locked as private). ofEvent inherit Poco::priorityEvent and not callbacked after ofEvent copy. So first we insert/add ofEvent to container and then call ofAddListener.
ofEvent<void> event;
ofAddListener( event, listener, method );
myMap.insert( pair<string, ofEvent<void> > (name, event) );
myMap.insert( pair<string, ofEvent<void> > (name, ofEvent(void)) );
ofAddListener( myMap[name], listener, method );