This is the Hiboot web application demo, we are going to demonstrate Hiboot we application programming step by step.
To write Hiboot application, as we know, the executable commands must always use package main, so we need to create the main package first.
See Effective GO to learn more about Go's naming conventions.
Here we are going to add starter actuator and logging.
package main
import (
// Controller Rest Controller with path /
// RESTful Controller, derived from web.Controller. The context mapping of this controller is '/' by default
type Controller struct {
// at.RestController or web.Controller must be embedded here
// Get GET /
// Get method, the context mapping of this method is '/' by default
// the Method name Get means that the http request method is GET
func (c *Controller) Get() string {
// response
return "My first Hiboot web application"
func main() {
SetProperty(app.ProfilesInclude, actuator.Profile, logging.Profile).
As shown above, we just start the application, we did not write any business logic yet. But it's runnable, let's take a look,
go run main.go
The output will be,
___ / / /__(_)__ /_______________ /_
__ /_/ /__ /__ __ \ __ \ __ \ __/
_ __ / _ / _ /_/ / /_/ / /_/ / /_ Hiboot Application Framework
/_/ /_/ /_/ /_.___/\____/\____/\__/
[INFO] 2018/11/03 07:47 Starting Hiboot web application hiboot-app on localhost with PID 4092
[INFO] 2018/11/03 07:47 Working directory: /Users/johnd/.gvm/pkgsets/go1.10/hidevops/src/
[INFO] 2018/11/03 07:47 The following profiles are active: local, [actuator logging web]
[INFO] 2018/11/03 07:47 Initializing Hiboot Application
[INFO] 2018/11/03 07:47 Auto configure web starter
[INFO] 2018/11/03 07:47 Auto configure actuator starter
[INFO] 2018/11/03 07:47 Auto configure logging starter
[INFO] 2018/11/03 07:47 Resolving dependencies
[INFO] 2018/11/03 07:47 Injecting dependencies
[INFO] 2018/11/03 07:47 Injected dependencies
[INFO] 2018/11/03 07:47 Mapped "/" onto main.Controller.Get()
[INFO] 2018/11/03 07:47 Mapped "/health" onto actuator.healthController.Get()
[INFO] 2018/11/03 07:47 Hiboot started on port(s) http://localhost:8080
[INFO] 2018/11/03 07:47 Started hiboot-app in 0.003143 seconds
As you can see above, the starter actuator and logging is auto configured.
Now we have health check endpoint GET /health, let's use httpie to check this endpoint.
http :8080/health
We can see the output of above request, my first Hiboot application is up and running. Yeah!
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Length: 15
Content-Type: application/json; charset=UTF-8
Date: Fri, 26 Oct 2018 10:49:12 GMT
"status": "UP"
The application log also prints the request info.
[INFO] 2018/10/26 18:49 200 215.239µs ::1 GET /health HTTPie/0.9.3